Tabs, profiles and behavior

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Tabs, profiles and behavior

Post by *TexMex »

Great piece of software I'm using since... long ago... Thank you.

I'm a "stacker". It means I do several things like Photography, 3D graphics, code etc...

The thing is when I do photography I create X tabs set to the directories I want. Then if I change for Code, I set up another set of tabs, etc... I usually end up with a lot of tabs and I must remove some of them to see something. I feel i'm not the only one in that case.

My suggestion is:
What about a profile set up ? Let's say I open all the tabs I want and I save the current tabs list (and directories) it into a file that I can reload when necessary for Activity A. Same goes for B and C etc.

When i load a profile, TC close every tabs and open new ones according to the file content.

In this case I would be able to switch from activity A to B in a instant.

Secondly: I don't know if it's a bug or just the way it is.
When you use a little filer (like Synology), it puts the disks on hibernation when its not used. When the system asks for the mounted directories (refresh) it waits until it's ready again.

In that case TC will wait the same if a tab points on a mounted directory. But you can't use it during that time. And if it fails (timeout) the tab goes back to C:

It would be nice to be able not to be stuck with the "waiting panel".

Remove the panel and only draw a refresh icon in the tab (or in the directory window). So you can still use it with other tabs that are not depending on a mounted directory.

I hope it'll be useful, thanks again.
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Post by *Dalai »

Ad 1: This has been possible for years. Use the commands OPENTABS and SAVETABS on a button (button bar) or TC's Start menu. Or just right-click on the tabs and select "Save tabs to file" or "Save tabs on both sides to file" to save them, and one of the "Load tabs from file" options to load them later.

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Post by *milo1012 »

Dalai wrote:Use the commands OPENTABS and SAVETABS on a button (button bar) or TC's Start menu...
The SAVETABS command doesn't actually exist.
It's confirmed for TC 9 though.
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Post by *Dalai »

Oops, you're right. Wishful thinking, I guess. Should've written APPENDTABS.

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Post by *yahuu »

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Re: Tabs, profiles and behavior

Post by *shula »

@yahuu this link is broken. what was supposed to be there?
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Re: Tabs, profiles and behavior

Post by *Horst.Epp »

shula wrote: 2022-05-19, 16:36 UTC @yahuu this link is broken. what was supposed to be there?
Why do you respond to 6 year old post
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