File-Find with Dirs excluded

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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *Horst.Epp »

georgeb wrote: 2022-08-06, 13:28 UTC
Horst.Epp wrote: 2022-08-06, 13:19 UTC What is the full content of your autorun.cfg ?
Here you go:
Thanks I already found the problem
the color by file type definition for Autorun was removed by some updates in the past.
No it works :D
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *petermad »

Parameters for cm_SwitchIgnoreList are not explained and can only found by reading the History.
Thats an old problem we have, the casual user should not need to read the full history.txt
the help file has to be reference for anything.
Well it is in the Help - but rather hidden - run cm_CommandBrowser and press F1 - in the Help section you now see, all parameter for commands that support parameters are explained.
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *Horst.Epp »

petermad wrote: 2022-08-06, 13:43 UTC 2Horst.Epp
Parameters for cm_SwitchIgnoreList are not explained and can only found by reading the History.
Thats an old problem we have, the casual user should not need to read the full history.txt
the help file has to be reference for anything.
Well it is in the Help - but rather hidden - run cm_CommandBrowser and press F1 - in the Help section you now see, all parameter for commands that support parameters are explained.
Thanks, I see.
I still think parameters should be explainded as part of an entry definition
after pressing help and not in a general large explanation as it is now.
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *georgeb »

Horst.Epp wrote: 2022-08-06, 13:41 UTC Thanks I already found the problem
Glad it worked. Could you now perhaps send me your "autorun.cfg" in return, also possible as PM if you don't want to publish it? As I've already explained I'm desperately in need of more sophisticated examples for the proper syntax to use therein.

For some strange reason I've been unable so far to execute ANY em_command from autorun although those very same em_commands executed standalone or via button have demonstrated to work properly. cm_internal-commands on the other hand CAN be executed from autorun, albeit only with the "SendCommand"-prefix which I couldn't find in any documentation. I only derived that from the included sample-file which doesn't give a single example of how to properly launch em_user-commands.

So I think a "richly populated" "autorun.cfg" from an autorun-power-user would be most helpful here.
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *Horst.Epp »

georgeb wrote: 2022-08-06, 14:39 UTC
Horst.Epp wrote: 2022-08-06, 13:41 UTC Thanks I already found the problem
Glad it worked. Could you now perhaps send me your "autorun.cfg" in return, also possible as PM if you don't want to publish it? As I've already explained I'm desperately in need of more sophisticated examples for the proper syntax to use therein.

For some strange reason I've been unable so far to execute ANY em_command from autorun although those very same em_commands executed standalone or via button have demonstrated to work properly. cm_internal-commands on the other hand CAN be executed from autorun, albeit only with the "SendCommand"-prefix which I couldn't find in any documentation. I only derived that from the included sample-file which doesn't give a single example of how to properly launch em_user-commands.

So I think a "richly populated" "autorun.cfg" from an autorun-power-user would be most helpful here.
The SendCommand example is part of the delivered installation file in autorun.example.cfg
and also in the help_en.chm
My current autorun.cfg is very simple, many entries are only comments.

Code: Select all

# Enables MoveButton functionality
#LoadLibrary Plugins\Autorun_MoveButton.dll
#MoveOptionsButton MOVE_LEGACY

# Adding current TC path to PATH environment variable

# Enables showing of administrative shares
#SendCommand OPENTABS "c:\Tools\Wincmd\"

if "%AUTORUN_TCARCH%" = "64" then
LoadLibrary "c:\Tools\Wincmd\PLUGINS\TCFS2\TCFS2Tools64.dll"
LoadLibrary "c:\Tools\Wincmd\PLUGINS\TCFS2\TCFS2Tools.dll"

IniWrite C:\Tools\Wincmd\Scripts\ToggleSrcNoFolders.ini Toggles myViewFoldersONLY 0

SendCommand cm_SwitchIgnoreList -1
Using the SendCommand with em_commands doesn't work and I don't see any examples.

An older version of the plugin had this larger english readme.

Code: Select all

Autorun "content plugin" 1.6 beta 13

This is simple "content" plugin for manage some actions while starting Total Commander. At first this is was the personal project, that was made for merge different autorun tasks into single interface. Now it's developing mainly for making portable version simple. It's cover the most of startup requirements. For more advanced or specific actions is more reasonable run the script or create plugin in traditional language. 

This plugin is a simple command processor that executes commands from text configuration file. All commands executes in the separate thread and should not freeze TC in case of problem in one of commands. It's possible to use variables and simple If..Else condition.

Autorun should work on any OS from Win2000 to Win8, but currently tested only on WinXP SP3 and Win7 x64.

Before installing plugin recommend to rename autorun.example.cfg file into autorun.cfg, and edit it if needed. Installation of plugin is usual for content plugins. Next, in order to load plugin at Total Commander start, you should create the fictitious color scheme:

• On the "Color" page press "Define colors by file type..." button. 
• In the "Define colors by file type" dialog set cursor in any place in the list, and press "Add..." button. 
• Press "Define..." button. 
• In the "Define selection" dialog move to "Plugins" tab.
• Select in "Plugin" dropdown list "autorun".
• Select in "Property" dropdown list "Autorun" (there will not be more properties).
• Select in "OP" dropdown list "=" and set in following field any integer, for example 1. 
• Press "Save" button, give the template some name , for example "Autorun".
• Next, repeatedly press OK  button in all dialogs until options dialog will be closed.
• Restart TC.

If you have many color schemes, it's recommended to move Autorun scheme to the top of list, else it can not run sometimes.

Plugin can be renamed, in this case change the name of configuration file correspondingly.

Configuration file
Configuration file is plain text file, either ANSI or UTF-16 (LE). 

Plugin operate two sections in configuration file. First section executing when TC starting, second - when it finishing. Sections separating by #FinalizeSection directive.

Directives are performed at the script preprocess. Directive is starting with "Pragma" keyword.

AutorunFinalizeSection - the part of script after this directive running when Total Commander closing.
AutorunBlockUnload     - blocking the plugin unloading (with cm_UnloadPlugins) till the TC closing. Useful when using ShellExec with /T. When directive is absent, blocking disabled.

Plugin operate with two kinds of variables - internal and environment. The only difference - internal variables are visible only in plugin, where environment variables are available for Total Commander and programs called from TC.
In common, variable is alphanumeric string, enclosed with "%" signs. Internal variables are defined with Set command, environment variables -  with SetEnv.

Autorun have one special variable %ERROR%. It usually should be zero, but some commands can set it to another value in case of non-fatal errors in command. If you need this info, you should check this variable right after command execution, because next command will reset it.

Also, autorun have few predefined variables (constants):

%AUTORUN_TCHANDLE% - Total Commander's window handle (for using in scripts).
%AUTORUN_TCPID%  - process ID of Total Commander (for using in scripts).
%AUTORUN_ISADMIN% - return 1 is TC executed under admin, 0 otherwise
%AUTORUN_TCARCH% - 32 or 64 - TotalCommander architecture where plugin is loaded.

Redefine the predefined constants are not allowed.

More system constansts available in Sysinfo plugin.

Here is one and only conditional statement:

If <expression 1> Then
ElseIf <expression 2> Then

Simple conditional statement. For numeric comparison operator can be one of: =, <>, >, <, >=, <=. For string comparison only = and <> allowed, comparison is case insensitive. If both expressions are numeric, then numeric comparison used. 

Variables are always expanding in the expressions. If you assume that variable value can conatin spaces, wrap expression in quotes. Example:

If ("%var_with_spaces%" = "value") Then

Also, some special functions can be used in comparison. In this case comparison limited to only one function.

If Function1 <parameters> Then
ElseIf Function2 <parameters> Then

AutorunBlockUnload <True/False> - command temporarily leaved for compatibility. Use "Pragma AutorunBlockUnload" instead.

FileExist <variable name> <filename>
FileExist <filename>
Function available for direct calling and using in conditional. When direct calling, first mandatory parameter should be variable name, which will receive 0 or 1, depending on function result.

Set [/C] | [/EV] [/EE] <var name> <var text>
Sets internal variable. All internal variables are text, but can be treated as numeric in comparison.
[/C] - treat var text as numeric and calculate the expression. Four aritmetic operations and parenthesis are supported, variables (environment too) are always expanding.
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in text.  
[/EE] - enbables using escape characters in text.

Note: when using /C parameter, any non-numeric string lead to zero, /EV /EE parameters are not taking in account.

SendCommand <command>
Sends to TC it's internal command. Can be literal (values retrieving from TOTALCMD.INC) or numeric.

ShellExec [/EV] [/SW_HIDE|/SW_SHOWNORMAL|/SW_MINIMIZE|/SW_MAXIMIZE] [/T|/TT] [/W[:####]] <filename> [<parameters> [<working dir>]]
Executes the file. If no params are set, but you need to set working directory, use empty string (two consecutive quotes). Any environment variable can be used in any path.
Optional parameters:
[/EV] - enbables using environment variables also in parameters.
[/SW_HIDE] - hidden
[/SW_SHOWNORMAL] - normal (by default), also using when no explicit SW_* parameter set
[/SW_MINIMIZE] - minimized
[/SW_MAXIMIZE] - maximized to all screen
[/T] - terminate program when plugin unloading (also look AutorunBlockUnload command)
[/TT] - terminate program tree when plugin unloading
[/W] - trying to close process window before program terminating. Default closing timeout 1000 ms. After parameter can be optional value that sets timeout, ex: /W:5000. This parameter can be used only with /T or /TT paramaters.
[/WAIT] - waiting for process finish. By default waiting is infinite. After parameter can be optional value that sets timeout, ex: /WAIT:5000. When using this parameter /T or /TT paramaters are ignored.

CommandExec [/CD[:T|S|TS]] <command/path1> [<path2>]
Execute user command em_*** or set paths in the panels.
[/CD] - first and optional secons paramaters - paths for setting in panels.  After parameter can be optional flags how to set paths: T - open in new tab, S - make first path as source, second as target, else left and right panels  accordingly, ST - combination of parameters.

SetEnv [/A] [/EV] [/EE] <var name> <var text>
Sets environment variable for current process. 
Optional parameters:
[/A] - appends a text to exising variable text (replacing instead).
[/AD] - the same as /A, but allow duplicating (look note)
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in text.
[/EE] - enbables using escape characters in text.

Note: by default, when using parameter /A, plugin is checking if text at the end of variable's text the same as text being added, and not adding it repeatedly. This allow to avoid the case when text is repeatedly adding when you restart TC or unload plugin by cm_UnloadPlugins. If you still need to add text without this check use /AD.

Usage example: place "noclose.pif" in TC folder and add this path to the PATH variable for current process, after that Shift+Enter command will work correctly without placing this file to windows directory (portable mode).

Sleep <delay>
Delay before executing next command in milliseconds.

IniDelete <ini name> <section> [<key>]
Deleting key or section from given configuration file.
If <key> is omitted, the whole section will be deleted. Use carefully!

IniRead <var name> <ini name> <section> <key> [<default value>]
Read the value from given configuration file. 
First parameter should be name of variable. If variable not exists, it will be created. Default value is the value that will be returned in case of function failure (error with file, missed key etc.)

IniWrite [/EV] <ini name> <section> <key> [<value>]
Writing value into given configuration file. In writing failed, command set ERROR variable to 1.
Optional parameters:
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in value.
This command is partucularly useful in portable compilations for fixing paths for some programs that are not smart enough to run in any place.

Language <ID>
Load custom language for messages from autorun.lng file. If this command absent the default language (English) will be used.

LoadFont [/N] <font name>
Command that loading selecting font. By default this font will be available in Total Commander process only and will be unloaded when TC is closed.
[/N] - allow other applications using this font. Note, that font still become unavailable when TC is closed.

LoadLibrary [/U] <dll name> [<function>]
Command that loading a dynamic library (paths can be relative to plugin path). Also can execute parameterless function.
Optional parameters:
[/U] - dll will be unloaded immediately after loading and executing function (if this set).

This command also loading plugins, read more about in corresponding section.

Note: code that executing while library initialization, running in the main thread, so when using blocking functions (like MessageBox), the Total Commander loading will be suspended. In order to avoid this, don't use those functions in the initializing code, or use explicit function call.

RegRead [/HEX] <key> <parameter> [<default text>]
Read the registry value. Supported types: REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, REG_EXPAND_SZ, REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_BINARY (return hex-string). If you need to retieve default paramter, don't set parameter, or set it empty in case you need to use default text.
Optional parameters:
[/HEX] - return REG_DWORD parameter as hex-string, else decimal.
[/I:xxx] - string index (starts with 1) for the REG_MULTI_SZ parameter. If not set, whole line return, separated with line breaks.

StrUpper <var name> <text>
Change text to uppercase and write result to variable. 

StrLower <var name> <text>
Change text to lowercase and write result to variable. 

StrMid  <var name> <text> <position> [<count>]
Extracts a number of characters from a text from given position. If count is omitted, then extracted characters till string end.

StrLeft  <var name> <text> <count>
Write to variable the leftmost count characters of the string.

StrRight <var name> <text> <count>
Write to variable the rightmost count characters of the string.

StrTrim  <var name> <text>
Write to variable the text with trimmed out leading and trailing whitespaces.

StrLen  <var name> <text>
Write to variable the text length.

StrPos [/S] <var name> <text> <substr>
Write to variable the substring position in the string. If not found, zero returned.
Optional parameters:
[/S] - case-sensitive search.

StrReplace [/S]  <var name> <text> <old substr> [<new substr>]
Write to variable text with old substrings replaced by new ones.
Optional parameters:
[/S] - case-sensitive search.

If space used in command parameter, take it into quotes - double or single. In this case quotes of another type can be used in text. 

"param with spaces"
'param with spaces'
"param with spaces and 'quotes'"
'param with spaces and "quotes"'

If you need to use in text quotes of both types, the quote of type that opens parameter should be doubled in the text. 

"this ""text"" and this 'text' with quotes" 
'this "text" and this ''text'' with quotes'

Line that begin with # treating as comment. Empty lines are ignoring.

Optional named parameters should start with "/" and should be placed before mandatory parameters.

If needed to use own commands with parameters, it's possible to use plugins. They are loading with LoadLibrary command.

One example plugin already included in the distributive, it intended to moving the "Options" button in the copy/move dialogs of Total Commander (since it's new position starting from TC 7.50 don't liked by many people). After loading plugin with LoadLibrary the new command become enabled:

It's parameter can be one of:
[MOVE_LEGACY] - moving button to position as in versions prior 7.5
[MOVE_RIGHT] - moving button to right side of dialog
The command can be executed only once, following calls are ignoring. Plugin works correctly only for TC version 7.55 and up.

Plugin exports next constants:

%SYSINFO_OSARCH% - architecture of OS where TC is running. This can be either 32 or 64.
%SYSINFO_OSVERSION% - version of OS where TC is running. This can be one of:

WIN_2000, WIN_XP, WIN_2003, WIN_2003R2, WIN_VISTA, WIN_2008, WIN_7, WIN_2008R2, WIN_8, WIN_2012

If version can not detected, returned the string:

"WIN_" + Major Version + "." + Minor Version

For workstation at the end of string "W" attached.

For example, for Windows 7 it's would be: WIN_6.2W, for Windows Server 2008 - WIN_6.1.

%SYSINFO_DESKTOPWIDTH% - desktop width.
%SYSINFO_DESKTOPHEIGHT% - desktop height.
%SYSINFO_DESKTOPDEPTH% - desktop depth.

And next function:

GetSystemMetrics <variable name> <metric index>
Return metric value by given index. First parameter should be name of variable. If variable not exists, it will be created.

This plugin will contain additional functions for working with processes.

ProcessExist [/F] [/EV] <variable name> <process name>
ProcessExist [/F] [/EV] <process name>
Function available for direct calling and using in conditional. When direct calling, first mandatory parameter should be variable name, which will receive 0 or 1, depending on function result.
[/F] - compare process by full path.
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in text.

ProcessCount [/F] [/EV]  <variable name> <process name>
Count number of running processes with given name.
First parameter should be name of variable. If variable not exists, it will be created.
[/F] - compare process by full path.
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in text.

ProcessTerminate [/F] [/EV] [/TT] [/A] [/W[:####]] <process name 1> [<process name 2> [... <process name N>]]
Close one or more processes. Note that optional paramters apply to every process in list.
[/F] - compare process by full path.
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in text.
[/TT] - terminate program tree.
[/W] - trying to close process window before program terminating. Default closing timeout 1000 ms. After parameter can be optional value that sets timeout, ex: /W:5000.
[/A] - close all processes with the same name (else first only).

ProcessExecGetOutput [/EV] [/OEM] <variable name> <filename> [<parameters> [<working dir>]]
Executing process (hidden) and gets it's result via stdout into variable.
[/EV] - enbables using environment variable in parameters.
[/OEM] - program output in OEM-encoding (ANSI by default)

x64 specific information
Working with x64 version is the same as with x86, with exception loading libraries and plugins. Under 64-bit version you can load 64-bit libraries and plugins only, under 32-bit varsion - correspondingly 32-bit libraries.

For simplicity plugin using and using single config file in different TC versions, for 64-bit verions implicit loading used (similarly to TC plugins). For that 64-bit version of plugin should have "dll64" extension. In configuration "dll" extension using.

Example (on MoveButton): record in configuration "LoadLibrary Plugins\Autorun_MoveButton.dll". Under 32-bit version will be loaded Autorun_MoveButton.dll, under 64-bit version - Autorun_MoveButton.dll64.

Copyright (c) 2010-2012 Dmitry Yudin
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *georgeb »

Horst.Epp wrote: 2022-08-06, 15:33 UTCUsing the SendCommand with em_commands doesn't work and I don't see any examples.
An older version of the plugin had this larger english readme.
Thanks for letting me have this info, as it now turns out in particular for that older readme.

And no, the new/current version doesn't say anything about executing em_commands with a SendCommand-prefix, this failed attempt just resulted from an analogy I tried to draw out of despair - BUT IT DOESN'T SAY A SINGLE WORD ABOUT HOW TO EXECUTE EM_COMMANDS PROPERLY EITHER! Never came across such an abysmally documented plugin/utility! Perhaps it should be exclusively distributed together with a crystal-ball! :roll: :mrgreen:

"CommandExec", hmmm, now who wouldn't hit on that all by himself?! :twisted:

Update: Ok, I think I have to apologize here. For some reason beyond my comprehension I must have lost? deleted? the .chm-helpfiles that came with the plugin. I read on the net/forum that installation would need careful study of the readme on installation - which I did but after the extraction of those somehow must have lost/deleted that .chm-file and was looking for usage-examples again on the net - but couldn't find any.
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *Horst.Epp »

The following entry in the autorun.cfg works for me to execute em_commands
CommandExec em_IgnoreListOff
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Re: File-Find with Dirs excluded

Post by *georgeb »

Horst.Epp wrote: 2022-08-07, 12:21 UTC The following entry in the autorun.cfg works for me to execute em_commands
CommandExec em_IgnoreListOff
And so does
CommandExec cm_SwitchIgnoreList -1
for the internal cm_command-version either. 8)
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