TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-02, 14:46 UTC Points 1, 2, 3, 5 relate directly to the operation of the plugin.
To these points, I answered you that I can’t do anything.
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-02, 14:46 UTC Point 7 also doesn't look like it's unrealistic to implement. It's not the program restarting itself, but the plugin does so with it.
This is a question for the author TC. TC reloads the plugin, not me.
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-02, 14:46 UTC ...Isn't it possible to interact with the playlist via the API?
Points 6 and 9 are questions, not requests. Maybe you have the information?
These are questions for the author 1by1. I'll repeat it again. I do not modify the program and cannot influence its operation in any way. And I have no information on libraries that I do not use in the plugin.
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-02, 14:46 UTC 10. I replaced bass.dll and bassmidi.dll almost immediately, no bugs have been added.
In reality, the loading/unloading time problems are due to the fact that you replaced these libraries. Check the plugin with my settings and you will be convinced of this.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Fla$her »

AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 15:08 UTCTo these points, I answered you that I can’t do anything.
1-2. And what is the fundamental difference from TCIrfanView, TCAkelPad and TCSumatraPDF? They work in cm_List.
3. Explain why it's impossible to save settings during quick view?
5. Why is it impossible to send a message to the program window so that it's expanded? It's easy to do.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 15:08 UTCThis is a question for the author TC. TC reloads the plugin, not me.
I asked why. In TotalAmp, for example, no interface redrawing is visible, i.e. it looks like window elements are cached somewhere.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 15:08 UTCI do not modify the program and cannot influence its operation in any way. And I have no information on libraries that I do not use in the plugin.
I was referring to the external impact on the SysListView32 list after registering keystrokes.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 15:08 UTCIn reality, the loading/unloading time problems are due to the fact that you replaced these libraries. Check the plugin with my settings and you will be convinced of this.
No, it has nothing to do with the 1by1 settings. The rendering of the interface itself is slow.
In addition, in your folder bass.dll updated to the latest version, like mine. With the latest bass libraries, I have previously conducted tests with TotalAmp, and there were no deterioration with updates there, everything was opened and played instantly. Even the files themselves start much faster than in 1by1 with your folder. I don't see any reason to leave the obsolete bassmidi.dll and tak_deco_lib.dll.
By the way, I couldn't find bass_tak.dll here. Where did you get it?
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

petermad wrote: 2023-11-17, 19:26 UTC I have now downloaded the plugin - it comes with a subfolder with a 1by1.exe - I guess that is the player.
The plugin is rather a launcher for 1by1.exe - Pressing F3 does not open a Lister Window, but the 1by1 window, hence you cannot switch plugin in Lister mode.

Same here. And yes this should not be called a Plugin but Launcher.
Apart from the fact that 1by1 is a terriable choice for a mod player -> XMPlay is way better as it shows all the info inside a mod-file....
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

Sir_SiLvA wrote: 2024-04-02, 17:52 UTC Apart from the fact that 1by1 is a terriable choice for a mod player -> XMPlay is way better as it shows all the info inside a mod-file....
XMPlay does not support Winamp input modules, only bass libraries. Accordingly, XMPlay's supported tracker music formats are very limited. What makes 1by1 unique is that it supports both bass libraries and Winamp input plugins. It's not just about tracker formats and MIDI. There are no other players like this.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 18:47 UTC
Sir_SiLvA wrote: 2024-04-02, 17:52 UTC Apart from the fact that 1by1 is a terriable choice for a mod player -> XMPlay is way better as it shows all the info inside a mod-file....
XMPlay does not support Winamp input modules, only bass libraries. Accordingly, XMPlay's supported tracker music formats are very limited. What makes 1by1 unique is that it supports both bass libraries and Winamp input plugins. It's not just about tracker formats and MIDI. There are no other players like this.
Sorry that is some wrong info you are spilling :-) XMPlay plays every mod type there is (ie *.mod;*.669;*.mo3;*.it;*.s3m;*.xm).

Secondly, why should anyone use this bad designed launcher (which lies to be a lister plugin) for a random player instead of using the original winamp (v2.95)?
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *macleod »

Sir_SiLvA wrote: 2024-04-06, 09:48 UTC...bad designed launcher (which lies to be a lister plugin) ...
1by1 plugin works as plugin with quickview mode.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

Sir_SiLvA wrote: 2024-04-06, 09:48 UTC Sorry that is some wrong info you are spilling :-) XMPlay plays every mod type there is (ie *.mod;*.669;*.mo3;*.it;*.s3m;*.xm).
Now look how many extensions my plugins play. This is several times larger than the bass library. So it is very unpleasant to read your insults regarding the unreliability of my information.
Sir_SiLvA wrote: 2024-04-06, 09:48 UTC using the original winamp (v2.95)?
Can WinAmp play QuickView?
In general, I really regret that I started corresponding with you. Usually I only answer questions about the operation of my plugins, but for some reason I got involved in a meaningless correspondence with you. I already understand that you really don’t like my plugin. I'll have a hard time, but I'll get through it. Because I wanted you to be the one to use my plugin :lol:
But there are people who like my plugin. So I wrote it for them. You are behaving very rudely. I will stop further communication with you.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *white »

Moderator message from: white » 2024-04-07, 10:41 UTC

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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Fla$her »

How about answering my questions? You may have missed them.

Any Lister plugin that allows you to customize the color and font is worthy of my attention. I highlight such plugins especially. But in this case, we are talking about music files that are often played in the background, so it's difficult to ignore the problems of F3 here.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-07, 11:22 UTC 2AkulaBig
How about answering my questions? You may have missed them.
I answered you in general, but let me answer you specifically.
3. Explain why it's impossible to save settings during quick view?
What settings are not saved in the power supply?
5. Why is it impossible to send a message to the program window so that it's expanded? It's easy to do.
Which window do you want to maximize? And why is this necessary?
In TotalAmp, for example, no interface redrawing is visible, i.e. it looks like window elements are cached somewhere.
All plugins work the same. Everything is loaded anew when moving to the next file.
I was referring to the external impact on the SysListView32 list after registering keystrokes.
I can't understand what you want.
No, it has nothing to do with the 1by1 settings.
There is no use in explaining anything to you.
I don't see any reason to leave the obsolete ... and tak_deco_lib.dll.
By the way, I couldn't find bass_tak.dll here. Where did you get it?
What are you even writing about? Are there no such files in my plugin?
I have previously conducted tests with TotalAmp...
What does this have to do with another plugin?
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Fla$her »

3. I'm sorry, I don't know what "the power supply" is. I wrote the following:
For some reason, the settings caused by the button from the quick view window are not saved. I have to open it for this 1b1.exe separately.
The button on the toolbar has a gear icon.
5. I wrote the following:
My Lister opens in expanded form ([Lister] > Maximized=1). If I press F3, the 1by1 window always fills the place where the quick view could be in the right panel, regardless of the previous location.
If you refuse, which is sad, to embed the program in the Lister window, as you did with your other plugins, then it would be correct to match the given key with SW_MAXIMIZE when creating the process.
All plugins work the same. Everything is loaded anew when moving to the next file.
I can't understand what you want.
Sending up/down keystrokes to the 1by1 window when pressing n/p in the quick view window.
There is no use in explaining anything to you.
There's nothing to explain. It's all checked, I wrote it.
What are you even writing about? Are there no such files in my plugin?
We discussed the archive you proposed. There are these files.
What does this have to do with another plugin?
I'm just writing that it doesn't matter which plugin I update the libraries in. This doesn't affect the rendering speed in any way.
As I have already written, the tests were carried out before and after the update.
Last edited by Fla$her on 2024-04-08, 07:42 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

I am writing through a translator and cannot understand what you want. So I apologize, I don’t see the point in further discussion.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Fla$her »

cannot understand what you want.
1. I want the settings (1by1.ini) after Ctrl+Q in the program to be saved the same way as when opening the program normally (by pressing Enter on 1by1.exe). You wrote that it was impossible, but you couldn't explain the reason.
2. I want that when pressing F3 on the media file, the running program starts in the same form as specified in %COMMANDER_INI%: [Lister] > Maximized=0/1. CreateProcessW (lpStartupInfo > wShowWindow > SW_MAXIMIZE). It's easy to check without compiling. Run from TC:

Code: Select all


with(WSH.createObject('WScript.Shell')) {
  fso = WSH.createObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
  iniText = fso.openTextFile(Environment('PROCESS')('COMMANDER_INI')).readAll()
  ext_ini = ini(iniText, 'Lister', 'RedirectSection')
  if(ext_ini) {
     currentDirectory = Environment('PROCESS')('COMMANDER_PATH')
     iniText = fso.openTextFile(expandEnvironmentStrings(ext_ini)).readAll()
  ShowWindow = Number(ini(iniText, 'Lister', 'Maximized')) ? SW_MAXIMIZE : SW_SHOWDEFAULT
  run('"%COMMANDER_PATH%/Plugins/wlx/TC1by1/1by1/1by1.exe"', ShowWindow)

function ini(text, section, key) {
   s ='/\\[' + section + ']/i'))
   if ( s > -1 ) {
      v = text.slice(s + section.length + 1).split('[')[0].match(eval('/\\n' + key + ' *= *([^\\r\\n]+)/i'))
      if(v){return v[1]}
Sending up/down keystrokes to the 1by1 window when pressing n/p in the quick view window.
This is written in simple language. I doubt you didn't understand something. I recommend using BING.
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *AkulaBig »

Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-08, 11:08 UTC 1. I want the settings (1by1.ini) after Ctrl+Q in the program to be saved the same way as when opening the program normally (by pressing Enter on 1by1.exe). You wrote that it was impossible, but you couldn't explain the reason.
I didn’t write to you about the settings that this is impossible. I asked several times, what settings do you want to change? I need to test this. You don't answer me.
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-08, 11:08 UTC 2. I want that when pressing F3 on the media file, the running program starts in the same form as specified in %COMMANDER_INI%: [Lister] > Maximized=0/1. CreateProcessW (lpStartupInfo > wShowWindow > SW_MAXIMIZE).
Let's discuss this point again. Do you want the TC menu to appear? Or so that the existing program window runs wide open? You have written so much about this incomprehensible thing that I don’t understand what you want.
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-08, 11:08 UTC Sending up/down keystrokes to the 1by1 window when pressing n/p in the quick view window.
I don't understand at all what you want. 1by1 does not have such functionality. TC also does not have such functionality.
Maybe you want to move to the next/previous file when pressing n/p, as is done in TC? That is, the files were launched in other plugins related to the extension of the file being viewed?
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Re: TC1by1 - Lister plugin: problem in QuickView mode

Post by *Fla$her »

AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCI didn’t write to you about the settings that this is impossible.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-02, 15:08 UTC
Fla$her wrote: 2024-04-02, 14:46 UTC Points 1, 2, 3, 5 relate directly to the operation of the plugin.
To these points, I answered you that I can’t do anything.

AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCI asked several times, what settings do you want to change? I need to test this. You don't answer me.
Several? Give at least one quote. I don't see any such question in your previous posts.
You asked something about the settings in the power supply, but I didn't understand what it had to do with it.
I answer: I started with the color settings and font settings. The changes occurred after application, but after reopening, the default ones returned.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCDo you want the TC menu to appear?
I didn't write anything about the menu.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCOr so that the existing program window runs wide open?
Not just wide, but fully maximized, according to the current Lister setting.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCYou have written so much about this incomprehensible thing that I don’t understand what you want.
Have you run the above script? It immediately gives an answer to the question.
AkulaBig wrote: 2024-04-08, 12:03 UTCMaybe you want to move to the next/previous file when pressing n/p, as is done in TC? That is, the files were launched in other plugins related to the extension of the file being viewed?
Can you do that?
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