New SFTP plugin available now

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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *JOUBE »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2024-05-19, 06:41 UTCPlease also enable debug options
You will find it here within filezilla:
Menu -> Edit -> Settings -> Debug:
JOUBE wrote: 2024-05-17, 14:44 UTCenable Debug in message log with level: 3 - Verbose
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *paladin42 »

FileZilla3 Settings
<FileZilla3 version="3.67.0" platform="windows">
<Setting name="Use Pasv mode">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Limit local ports">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Limit ports low">6000</Setting>
<Setting name="Limit ports high">7000</Setting>
<Setting name="Limit ports offset">0</Setting>
<Setting name="External IP mode">0</Setting>
<Setting name="External IP"/>
<Setting name="External address resolver"></Setting>
<Setting name="Last resolved IP"/>
<Setting name="No external ip on local conn">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Pasv reply fallback mode">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Timeout">20</Setting>
<Setting name="Logging Raw Listing">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Allow transfermode fallback">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Reconnect count">2</Setting>
<Setting name="Reconnect delay">5</Setting>
<Setting name="Enable speed limits">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Speedlimit inbound">1000</Setting>
<Setting name="Speedlimit outbound">100</Setting>
<Setting name="Speedlimit burst tolerance">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Preallocate space">0</Setting>
<Setting name="View hidden files">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Preserve timestamps">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Socket recv buffer size (v2)">4194304</Setting>
<Setting name="Socket send buffer size (v2)">262144</Setting>
<Setting name="FTP Keep-alive commands">0</Setting>
<Setting name="FTP Proxy type">0</Setting>
<Setting name="FTP Proxy host"/>
<Setting name="FTP Proxy user"/>
<Setting name="FTP Proxy password"/>
<Setting name="FTP Proxy login sequence"/>
<Setting name="SFTP keyfiles" platform="win"/>
<Setting name="SFTP compression">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Proxy type">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Proxy host"/>
<Setting name="Proxy port">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Proxy user"/>
<Setting name="Proxy password"/>
<Setting name="Logging filesize limit">10</Setting>
<Setting name="Size format">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Size thousands separator">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Size decimal places">1</Setting>
<Setting name="TCP Keepalive Interval">15</Setting>
<Setting name="Cache TTL">600</Setting>
<Setting name="Minimum TLS Version">2</Setting>
<Setting name="Update Check">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Update Check Interval">7</Setting>
<Setting name="Update Check Check Beta">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Master password encryptor"/>
<Setting name="Trust system trust store">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Ascii Binary mode">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Auto Ascii files">ac|am|asp|bat|c|cfm|cgi|conf|cpp|css|dhtml|diff|diz|h|hpp|htm|html|in|inc|java|js|jsp|lua|m4|mak|md5|nfo|nsh|nsi|pas|patch|pem|php|phtml|pl|po|pot|py|qmail|sh|sha1|sha256|sha512|shtml|sql|svg|tcl|tpl|txt|vbs|xhtml|xml|xrc</Setting>
<Setting name="Auto Ascii no extension">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Auto Ascii dotfiles">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Comparison threshold">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Cache directory" platform="win"/>
<Setting name="Number of Transfers">2</Setting>
<Setting name="Language Code"/>
<Setting name="Concurrent download limit">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Concurrent upload limit">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Show debug menu">0</Setting>
<Setting name="File exists action download">0</Setting>
<Setting name="File exists action upload">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Allow ascii resume">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Onetime Dialogs"/>
<Setting name="Show Tree Local">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Show Tree Remote">1</Setting>
<Setting name="File Pane Layout">0</Setting>
<Setting name="File Pane Swap">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Filelist directory sort">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Filelist name sort">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Queue successful autoclear">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Show message log">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Show queue">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Always use default editor">0</Setting>
<Setting name="File associations (v2)" platform="win"/>
<Setting name="Comparison mode">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Icon theme">default</Setting>
<Setting name="Icon scale">125</Setting>
<Setting name="Timestamp in message log">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Filelist status bar">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Filter toggle state">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Show quickconnect bar">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Messagelog position">0</Setting>
<Setting name="File doubleclick action">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Dir doubleclick action">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Minimize to tray">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Search column widths"/>
<Setting name="Search column shown"/>
<Setting name="Search column order"/>
<Setting name="Search window size"/>
<Setting name="Comparison hide identical">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Search sort order"/>
<Setting name="Edit track local">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Prevent idle sleep">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Filteredit window size"/>
<Setting name="Enable invalid char filter">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Invalid char replace">_</Setting>
<Setting name="Edit status dialog size"/>
<Setting name="Display current speed">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Toolbar hidden">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Strip VMS revisions">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Startup action">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Persistent Choices">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Queue completion action">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Queue completion command"/>
<Setting name="Drag and Drop disabled">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Disable update footer">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Highest shown overlay id">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Splitter positions (v2)">97 -131 500000000 227 227 500000000</Setting>
<Setting name="Queue column widths">180 60 180 80 60 150</Setting>
<Setting name="Local filelist colwidths">170 80 120 120</Setting>
<Setting name="Remote filelist colwidths">150 75 80 100 80 85</Setting>
<Setting name="Local filelist shown columns">1111</Setting>
<Setting name="Remote filelist shown columns">111111</Setting>
<Setting name="Local filelist column order">0,1,2,3</Setting>
<Setting name="Remote filelist column order">0,1,2,3,4,5</Setting>
<Setting name="Local filelist sortorder">0 0</Setting>
<Setting name="Remote filelist sortorder">0 0</Setting>
<Setting name="Directory listing item limit">10000000</Setting>
<Setting name="Greeting version">3.67.0</Setting>
<Setting name="Greeting resources"/>
<Setting name="Prompt password save">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Sitemanager last selected">0/NovaTek ftp</Setting>
<Setting name="Site Manager position">0 651 351 890 440 </Setting>
<Setting name="Kiosk mode">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Time Format">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Date Format">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Default editor" platform="win">0</Setting>
<Setting name="Last automatic update version">3.67.0</Setting>
<Setting name="Window position and size">0 1933 47 1184 841 </Setting>
<Setting name="Logging file" platform="win">D:\temp\filezilla.log</Setting>
<Setting name="Already connected choice">1</Setting>
<Setting name="Tab data" sensitive="1">
<Tab connected="1" selected="1">
<RemotePath>1 0 2 dl</RemotePath>
<Setting name="Last automatic update check">2024-05-27 05:03:10</Setting>
<Setting name="Update Check New Version" platform="win">nightly 2024-05-19 12394936 sha512 ad976702195899cf3e94b57044891dc3304f1576df9fc9bc38a8de801e33e2ec16946c60fbdfea7e76595d6a2f2217a6ecbc3b31cee34bc043cdaa15712f5121 sig:bxihbFI5lMrECouBJYv7zblJMyKQXUo/322tnyigfIWQsKapSWFK1T/2FwHIgmu/WOx/t1jhaa/m33S3mZgxAQ release 3.67.0 12388016 sha512 3437a7cb6f256fdb74344b257ff44c3e4ee713c5fb4368f54a3ae2816148d0bd2a2aa1cab3572fd044c9ee05774515776774668ad64f41b70d9dc33c26de754f sig:kn6RZR8Pd8PSB7SS3PG41uhuRQrCPVuc0apZip3MKQdkI5/wIXo1nkMY+RHY9ULPiC+4A46gnhIiwre/dctoBg </Setting>
<Setting name="Logging Debug Level">3</Setting>

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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *AntonyD »

why you paste here settings again?
You were asked for the help of fetching the 3 level of debugs messages only...
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *JOUBE »

Please now send the Log with debug level set to: "3 - Verbose".
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *paladin42 »

Sorry, was out of town for a bit.

2024-06-03 14:25:28 17772 1 Status: Connecting to
2024-06-03 14:25:28 17772 1 Response: fzSftp started, protocol_version=11
2024-06-03 14:25:28 17772 1 Command: open "" 22
2024-06-03 14:25:29 17772 1 Status: Using username "bruceftp".
2024-06-03 14:25:29 17772 1 Command: Pass: **************
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Status: Connected to
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing...
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Command: pwd
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Response: Current directory is: "/"
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Command: ls
2024-06-03 14:25:30 17772 1 Status: Listing directory /
2024-06-03 14:25:31 17772 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
2024-06-03 14:25:34 17772 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/downloads"...
2024-06-03 14:25:34 17772 1 Command: cd "downloads"
2024-06-03 14:25:35 17772 1 Response: New directory is: "/downloads"
2024-06-03 14:25:35 17772 1 Command: ls
2024-06-03 14:25:35 17772 1 Status: Listing directory /downloads
2024-06-03 14:25:35 17772 1 Status: Directory listing of "/downloads" successful
2024-06-03 14:25:37 17772 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/"...
2024-06-03 14:25:37 17772 1 Command: cd ".."
2024-06-03 14:25:37 17772 1 Response: New directory is: "/"
2024-06-03 14:25:37 17772 1 Status: Directory listing of "/" successful
2024-06-03 14:25:44 17772 1 Status: Disconnected from server
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *CoolWater »

Again, you didn't set the debug log options as described several times before... :-/
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *AntonyD »

Or? probably he did it, but for some reasons - restored the default value 1.
IMHO, a much more realistic option would be to provide some test cred's to log into that server
so that the author himself can remove all the necessary logs and conduct his own testing...
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *CoolWater »

Ok, let's make some progress here. Since paladin42 posted the connection log showing the real server, I made a nmap check to find the algos...

Code: Select all

22/tcp open  ssh     (protocol 2.0)
| fingerprint-strings:
|   NULL:
|_    SSH-2.0-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
| ssh2-enum-algos:
|   kex_algorithms: (5)
|       curve25519-sha256
|       ecdh-sha2-nistp256
|       diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
|       diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
|   server_host_key_algorithms: (3)
|       ssh-ed25519
|       rsa-sha2-256
|       ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
|   encryption_algorithms: (9)
|       aes256-ctr
|       aes192-ctr
|       aes128-ctr
|       aes256-cbc
|       aes192-cbc
|       aes128-cbc
|   mac_algorithms: (3)
|       hmac-sha2-256
|       hmac-sha1-96
|       hmac-sha1
|   compression_algorithms: (1)
|_      none
@ghisler: Looks good to me. No clue why the plugin seems to be unable to connect... Maybe windows firewall restrictions?
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Yes, libss2 supports at least one algorithm from each group, so it should work fine.
Maybe a firewall is blocking the plugin/Total Commander?
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *kirillkolov »

Hi, with nvda screen reader, when you upload a file you will get a lag of about 1 second when tabbing between pause and cancel buttons. The problem is solved when you pause the upload, but when you start it, the lag returnes. Not a big problem, just a little thing, but in ftp embedid in total commander everything is ok.
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

The SFTP plugin is uploading files in big chunks to speed up the upload over fast connections. This means that the plugin only calls back about once per second to handle user input, which leads to this lag.
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *rupert »

Hello. I just recently got the SFTP plugin and pressing F7 just wants to make a folder like normal and not bring up the connection dialog box. Quick Connection works fine but then I have to enter my credentials every time. Am I missing something to make the F7 key bring up the connection box instead of making a folder?
I am on the latest TC 11.03 and using v3.05 of the sftp plugin. Thank you.
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *JOUBE »

rupert wrote: 2024-07-15, 19:32 UTC pressing F7 just wants to make a folder like normal and not bring up the connection dialog box.
And?, have you already entered a "folder" name with F7 and pressed OK? Just try it once and, voila, the connection dialog appears.

Jou"Its just saved a name for the F7-dialog"be
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Re: New SFTP plugin available now

Post by *rupert »

Thank you! I didn't even think of trying to enter a folder name, I expected to see a connection box. It worked.
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