Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)

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Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)

Post by *cubic »

In so so many cases it happens that I have an image in clipboard and I want to save it in TC in the current folder.
For this I need to locate Irfan, paste the image there, invoke the "Save as..." menu, browse for the current folder, enter a file name and finally press Save.
One bazillion key presses for such a mundane operation.
This is true also when I have text in clipboard.

It would be cool, just to press Ctrl+V in the current open folder and find the clipboard content saved there...
Just one key stroke and the file is there! How great would be that? :)


(If this is not the operation wanted (the Ctrl+V was pressed by accident) then it is so simple to press Del to delete that new file.)
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Re: Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)

Post by *tuska »

please try the button below.
The path to i_view64.exe must be customized.

I don't remember the source. Maybe it was a button from here.
BUTTON - Clipboard as a .png file using IrfanView

Code: Select all

/clippaste /convert=%P$U(%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S).png
IrfanView: Open & Paste|– 'Paste': NOT possible on Desktop Public, \\Desktop\!|– Hardcopy: .PNG in the same folder!|– If the folder name starts with '#', the folder name with number '1' is generated|   and the png file is stored there! ...topic.php?t=84537

Create a Button in the BUTTONBAR (copy/paste CODE)
  1. Click on "SELECT ALL" (to the right of CODE:), then press CTRL+C (copy to clipboard).
  2. Right-click on any place in the button bar, then click on "Paste".
  3. Option1: Point to the new button (slightly longer): 'Tooltip' is shown (-> description to the button).
                  A maximum of 259 characters is allowed for the tooltip. | = create line break, || = create | as separator character.
  4. Option2: Button bar - "Tooltip" field: A single space deactivates the display of the tooltip.
                  If the "Tooltip" field is empty, the content of the "Command" field is displayed.
  5. Option3: See FAQs and explanation: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA)  <-- <Ctrl+click on the link...>
Create a shortcut:
If you want to assign a shortcut to a command, you must first create an em_command.


Insert the following text at the end of the file. If the file “usercmd.ini” does NOT exist,
then create it with a text editor in %COMMANDER_PATH% - that is the path where the files
TOTALCMD.EXE and/or TOTALCMD64.exe are located.

Code: Select all

param=/clippaste /convert=%P$U(%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S).png
menu=IrfanView x64: Open & Paste|– 'Paste': NOT possible on Desktop!|– Hardcopy -> .png in the same folder!|– If the folder name starts with '#', the folder name with number '1' is generated.|   and the png file is stored there! .../viewtopic.php?p=209581#p209581
wincmd.ini - section [Shortcuts] -> Insert the following code. Attention: The section [Shortcuts] must only exist once!

Code: Select all

I have defined ALT+V as a shortcut.
I would advise against using CTRL+V (as it is a Windows shortcut).

If you want to change the shortcut, you can do so e.g. as follows:
Create/modify a SHORTCUT - em_command required
If you want to assign or change a keyboard shortcut for a command, an em_command must first be present.

Configuration - Options... - Misc. - Redefine hotkeys (Keyboard remapping) - choose your hotkeys by clicking the appropriate fields,
"Default command (no remapping)" is shown then - click on the magnifying glass to the right - click on "usercmd.ini" -
choose your em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView - OK - Important: Click on the green checkmark! - OK - FINISHED!

The shortcut for the em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView is stored in the “wincmd.ini” file in the [Shortcuts] section.
If an em_command is available, you can also create a button e.g. with this em_command:

Code: Select all


Useful links: Paste clipboard data | paste a picture in total commander
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Re: Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)

Post by *cubic »

It worked. Thanks!
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