In so so many cases it happens that I have an image in clipboard and I want to save it in TC in the current folder.
For this I need to locate Irfan, paste the image there, invoke the "Save as..." menu, browse for the current folder, enter a file name and finally press Save.
One bazillion key presses for such a mundane operation.
This is true also when I have text in clipboard.
It would be cool, just to press Ctrl+V in the current open folder and find the clipboard content saved there...
Just one key stroke and the file is there! How great would be that?
(If this is not the operation wanted (the Ctrl+V was pressed by accident) then it is so simple to press Del to delete that new file.)
Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)
Moderators: Hacker, petermad, Stefan2, white
Re: Ctrl+V in TC to save the content of the clipboard as a new file (no input required)
please try the button below.
The path to i_view64.exe must be customized.
I don't remember the source. Maybe it was a button from here.
Create a shortcut:
If you want to assign a shortcut to a command, you must first create an em_command.
Insert the following text at the end of the file. If the file “usercmd.ini” does NOT exist,
then create it with a text editor in %COMMANDER_PATH% - that is the path where the files
TOTALCMD.EXE and/or TOTALCMD64.exe are located.
wincmd.ini - section [Shortcuts] -> Insert the following code. Attention: The section [Shortcuts] must only exist once!
I have defined ALT+V as a shortcut.
I would advise against using CTRL+V (as it is a Windows shortcut).
If you want to change the shortcut, you can do so e.g. as follows:
If an em_command is available, you can also create a button e.g. with this em_command:
Useful links: Paste clipboard data | paste a picture in total commander
please try the button below.
The path to i_view64.exe must be customized.
I don't remember the source. Maybe it was a button from here.
BUTTON - Clipboard as a .png file using IrfanView
Code: Select all
/clippaste /convert=%P$U(%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S).png
IrfanView: Open & Paste|– 'Paste': NOT possible on Desktop Public, \\Desktop\!|– Hardcopy: .PNG in the same folder!|– If the folder name starts with '#', the folder name with number '1' is generated| and the png file is stored there! ...topic.php?t=84537
Create a Button in the BUTTONBAR (copy/paste CODE)
- Click on "SELECT ALL" (to the right of CODE:), then press CTRL+C (copy to clipboard).
- Right-click on any place in the button bar, then click on "Paste".
⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺ - Option1: Point to the new button (slightly longer): 'Tooltip' is shown (-> description to the button).
A maximum of 259 characters is allowed for the tooltip. | = create line break, || = create | as separator character. - Option2: Button bar - "Tooltip" field: A single space deactivates the display of the tooltip.
If the "Tooltip" field is empty, the content of the "Command" field is displayed. - Option3: See FAQs and explanation: Button-code (TOTALCMD#BAR#DATA) <-- <Ctrl+click on the link...>
If you want to assign a shortcut to a command, you must first create an em_command.
Insert the following text at the end of the file. If the file “usercmd.ini” does NOT exist,
then create it with a text editor in %COMMANDER_PATH% - that is the path where the files
TOTALCMD.EXE and/or TOTALCMD64.exe are located.
Code: Select all
param=/clippaste /convert=%P$U(%%Y-%%m-%%d_%%H%%M%%S).png
menu=IrfanView x64: Open & Paste|– 'Paste': NOT possible on Desktop!|– Hardcopy -> .png in the same folder!|– If the folder name starts with '#', the folder name with number '1' is generated.| and the png file is stored there! .../viewtopic.php?p=209581#p209581
Code: Select all
I would advise against using CTRL+V (as it is a Windows shortcut).
If you want to change the shortcut, you can do so e.g. as follows:
Create/modify a SHORTCUT - em_command required
If you want to assign or change a keyboard shortcut for a command, an em_command must first be present.
Configuration - Options... - Misc. - Redefine hotkeys (Keyboard remapping) - choose your hotkeys by clicking the appropriate fields,
"Default command (no remapping)" is shown then - click on the magnifying glass to the right - click on "usercmd.ini" -
choose your em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView - OK - Important: Click on the green checkmark! - OK - FINISHED!
The shortcut for the em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView is stored in the “wincmd.ini” file in the [Shortcuts] section.
Configuration - Options... - Misc. - Redefine hotkeys (Keyboard remapping) - choose your hotkeys by clicking the appropriate fields,
"Default command (no remapping)" is shown then - click on the magnifying glass to the right - click on "usercmd.ini" -
choose your em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView - OK - Important: Click on the green checkmark! - OK - FINISHED!
The shortcut for the em_command: em_Clipboard_as_a_png_file_using_IrfanView is stored in the “wincmd.ini” file in the [Shortcuts] section.
Code: Select all
Useful links: Paste clipboard data | paste a picture in total commander