improve text in help - ignore list

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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Sounds good, thanks!
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *oko »

So it can be like this (changes are in red):
Configuration - Ignore list

Allows to ignore specific files/folders by name or pattern.

Ignored files/folders are a different way from hidden files to hide items. Ignored is not an attribute of a file/folder and it takes effect in Total Commander only. Ignored files/folders:

- will not be displayed,
- will not be copied,
- will not be moved except they are in folder moved on the same drive,

- will not be counted (neither in number of files nor in size),
- will be ignored in "synchronize dirs".

- If a folder with ignored items is copied, ignored items are omitted. It also means that although source and target will seem identically after copying, source folder contains ignored items but they are hidden, target folder does not contain ignored items at all.
- If a folder with ignored items is moved you can get error message that folder could not be deleted as the consequence the ignored items were left in it.
- It is possible to navigate into an ignored folder with the cd command or by typing (or inserting) its path in current directory bar. Then the content of that folder can be copied and moved.
- Files/folders in ignore list are being displayed and handled (copied, moved atc.) while the ignored list master switch is turned off.
- You can use the internal command cm_SwitchIgnoreList to turn this option on and off via a button, menu item, or hotkey.


7. Files on specific FTP servers. Use FTP:servername: as prefix. Examples: FTP:server:filename
8. Files for specific FTP connections. Use FTP:>connection: as prefix, e.g. FTP:>my connection:filename

- All options
above also support the wildcards * and ?, e.g. *.br1


(I suggest to move last Note about cm_SwitchIgnoreList in current help text since it can take place in notes above)
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2025-02-04, 07:58 UTC
No, mentioning TC twice is just bad style.
Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker. Do you have a better suggestion?
I posted my suggestion here: ...
oko wrote: 2025-02-03, 20:53 UTC In common if the user is a beginner, he will appreciate any clear explicit statements to better understand. It saves time as he doesn't have to figure it out on his own.
my statement is very clear, but if you wanna it the user with the fence you can always go with

Code: Select all

The funktion to ignore seleceted files/folders is not an attribute, but rather a part of Total Commander.
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *oko »

I think petermad's proposal is good enough and it meets your request not to mention tc twice.
It was explained by me and JOUBE why not to omit where the ignored function takes effect.
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

I have added some of the suggestions (but not all) to the help of Total Commander 11.51 RC4.
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *oko »

I looked at it. Thank you for changes. I can not say I am fully satisfied but the main information were added and it is better that it was. E.g. you did not mention error message after moving - the ignored function invokes such messages and if user gets error message and navigates to the folder which was not deleted, he will not find there anything and user can be confused, therefore help text should explicitely say there are ignored items left in it.
But I respect the way it is.
Important: The "Note" in the end of help text should be deleted since the same text has been placed at the begining. It is sentence: "Use the internal command cm_SwitchIgnoreList to turn this option on and off via a button, menu item, or hotkey."
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

you did not mention error message after moving
I couldn't find a good location where to put that. Maybe replace the note at the end with one about this error message?
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Re: improve text in help - ignore list

Post by *oko »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2025-02-07, 09:52 UTC Maybe replace the note at the end with one about this error message?
Good idea. At the end there could be everything (or some of) omitted:
- If a folder with ignored items is moved you can get error message that folder could not be deleted as the consequence the ignored items were left in it.
- If a folder with ignored items is copied, ignored items are omitted. It also means that although source and target will seem identically after copying, source folder contains ignored items but they are hidden, target folder does not contain ignored items at all.
- Ignored files/folders can still be visited directly (folders) or opened (files) using current directory bar.
- Files/folders in ignore list are being displayed and handled (copied, moved atc.) while the ignored list master switch is turned off.
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