Can Multi-Rename Tool take multiple pairs of old-new?

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Can Multi-Rename Tool take multiple pairs of old-new?

Post by *spikey »

Can the Multi-Rename Tool take multiple pairs of arguments for renaming.

For example if I have [xyz] and I want to make that {xyz} then I need to have

[ replaced by {
] replaced by }

Can the Mutli-Rename Tool do this in one pass?

One problem is that if an intermedate list of file names is created then that list will have a different set of file names when compared to the original list. This is because one of the characters will now have been replaced.

However if TC is tracking the files in the list going into the Multi-Rename Tool by some method other than by file name it may be easier.


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Post by *Hacker »

MRT Help wrote:New: You can now search+replace multiple strings in one step! The strings need to be separated by the vertical line (Alt+124).
Example: Replace Umlauts+Accents:
Search for: ä|ö|ü|é|è|ê|à Replace with: ae|oe|ue|e|e|e|a
Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *XPEHOPE3KA »

Yes, it can. Just press Ctrl+M, then press F1 and read about "search for" field.
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