Queue copy created directory instead of the file

This forum contains bug reports from previous beta tests - the issue has remained unresolved, either because it couldn't be reproduced, or couldn't be prevented/fixed

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Queue copy created directory instead of the file

Post by *sparhawk »

This was quite a strange bug, I experienced yesterday. It never happened before, so I don't know how it happened or how to reproduce it. I just wanted to mention it, in case others might also have seen this.

I copied some file over a network share using F5-F2 with the cursor on the file, to copy it via the queue. What happened in this particular instance was, that the file was not copied as a file. Instead a directory was created on the target path, with the name of the file that I actually wanted to copy, and all files from the path where the original files was located, were copied to that target.

I tried to reroduce it somehow but it didn't work so far. I also checked if I might have accidentely created that directory myself by pressing F7 before somhow, but when I use F7 to create a new directory, then the name of the file under the cursor would be used, but the extension is ommited, so it is also unlikely that it happened that way.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

TC will create a directory if it cannot find the source (FindFirstFile returns "directory" or "error"). Maybe the file was moved or renamed before it could be copied.
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Post by *sparhawk »

No, this was definitely not the case. After I selected the file again, it worked fine. Maybe it was locked for some reason. That could explain the behaviour according to what you say.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

TC calls FindFirstFile to determine the file type, so this should work independent from whether it's locked or not...
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Post by *sparhawk »

Yeah, well, then I don't know. As I said above, I experienced this only once in all the years that I'm using TC now, and I wanted to report it just in case others might also have seen this.

It's not really tragic. If it happens again, I can see if I find some tracks as to how this happened.
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