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Posted: 2006-12-01, 01:46 UTC
by WatchUer
Maybe it needs .net framework version 3. :p

Posted: 2006-12-01, 08:04 UTC
by nsp
To run the test Drive, you need to accept the citrix ACTIVE-X installation.
You need to not have a border manager in your company....
You neet to choose Word 2007 to really experience it !
WatchUer wrote:Maybe it needs .net framework version 3. :p
Hope M. Ghisler will not/never switch to this M$t before he buy a new faxMachine ;)
(Win9x os)

Re: [wish] office ribbon

Posted: 2007-01-25, 06:27 UTC
by Mirek
horizon wrote:Hi!
Maybe you know new ms office interface called ribbon. It is quite intuitive interface which makes a lot of command much more available. I would be quite happy to see this tabbed-toolbars in tcmd. (Yes I know, this will probably never happen, but I had to say this :) )

I also REALLY love the ribbon, but Total Commander is just one of those apps where you don't need it. It's like putting a ribbon into Internet Explorer...

Posted: 2007-01-25, 06:42 UTC
by Mirek
JohnFredC wrote:For all of my spouting off in favor of pointer/mouse-centric UIs elsewhere in this forum, I personally find the new "ribbon" from MS to be an example of BAD design.

Very space inefficient, not configurable enough.

I really really hate it and prefer the old style toolbars.
If you actually used it, you would know that working with it is much faster and that you can hide the ribbon if you really need more space. And the Ribbon replaces menus (and takes out toolbars - if you need to have something ALWAYS in front of you, you can use the Quick Access bar) - and the previous versions of Office didn't enable menu customization either. Seriously, try it...

Posted: 2007-01-25, 12:59 UTC
by fenix_productions
Mirek wrote: - and the previous versions of Office didn't enable menu customization either. Seriously, try it...
Strange, because I've been using office customized menus long time. It obvious that customisation had taken a lot of time but final result always sattisfied me.
You just need to use RMB on some Office toolbar, choose "Customize" and play with it. Now You have Customize window with all possible options to choose from. If You click RMB on some menu element, You can do a lot of usefull things...
P.S. Sorry for flame if You knew it before...

Posted: 2007-01-25, 15:20 UTC
by JohnFredC
Mirek wrote:Seriously, try it...
Sorry, I certainly have tried it and will be stuck with it when my customers switch to Access 2007. It mostly displays buttons I don't need or never use, and changes for every mode, which I really dislike. Plus, you can't move it to an area adjacent to where you are working. This adds up to mental hesitation (where is that button?), physical hesitation (oops, it's over there now), and general inefficiency for old hands like me.

Maybe the newbies benefit from it, but I don't. Why are they trying to change the way that I work?

The MS toolbar configuration/customization system was the best. It is insulting that Microsoft would discount my nearly 20-years of accumulated effort creating an environment efficient for the way I work. My Access products generate revenue for them, so some consideration of my needs should have been applied, as it always was in the past.

At least give us a toggle to display the old menus instead. Is there one?