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Posted: 2008-12-04, 23:41 UTC
by wanderer
Tahattmeruh wrote:Sometimes i move a folder with drag and drop by accident and i have to search all folders where i put the other one in.
Well, this has happened to me too, numerous times. Certainly an undo would be appreciated in such situations.

TCLogfileViewer 0.1.Rev2 with Undo feature

Posted: 2008-12-07, 00:06 UTC
by van Dusen
More than a year ago I began to write (to script with AutoIt3) a viewer for TC's logfiles. I've stopped the further development when AlexTP has released his LogViewer. Now I make up my mind to publish my poor efforts. I've added language support and limited support for UTF-8 encoded logfiles (created by TC V7.5 or later).

If you like to try it even though it contains many bugs, you can download it here:

TCLogfileViewer 0.1.Rev2

Syntax: TCLogfileViewer.exe [/All|0|1|{n}]

TotalCommander should run, when you start TCLogfileViewer.
TCLogfileViewer 0.1.Rev2 uses SQLite for storing the logfile information.
* Calling it without any parameter or calling it with parameter "1" will create the database in memory and only reads the most recent (the current) logfile. In this case the database is dropped, when you exits TCLogfileViewer.
* Calling it with parameter "/All" or with parameter "0" will create (or update) the database "TCLogfileViewer.db" in the directory, where your TC logfiles are stored; all logfiles, which are found, will be added to the database.


* Undo function for some (not all) operations. Successfully revoked operations will be logged in TC's current logfile
* Realtime monitoring of changes in current logfile ("follow tail")
* Filter for logfile name, date and time, operation, operation status, source and target. Filter works like AutoFilter in MS Excel
* Sorting ascending / descending of one or more columns (just click at the listview header)
* Search function
* Export filtered logfile entries to an textfile

Please note, that the column names from language key 1 in <TCLogfileViewer.ini> are not only affects the GUI (labels for filter comboboxes, listview headers), but also defines the field names in the database. If you change the language setting, an already existing database will be no longer useful... Bad design, I know. Please choose the column names in language key 1 "database friendly".

Posted: 2008-12-07, 10:42 UTC
by Horst.Epp
@van Dusen
I've problems to download it from rapidshare.
It would be easier if you share it on


Posted: 2008-12-07, 20:23 UTC
by Clo
2van Dusen

:) Hello !

• [OT]
I've to transmit you a message from icfu :
… i have removed his autoit collection archive from my thread in the EFB forum

:mrgreen:  VG

Re: Transmission----

Posted: 2008-12-07, 23:03 UTC
by m^2
Clo wrote:2van Dusen

:) Hello !

• [OT]
I've to transmit you a message from icfu :
… i have removed his autoit collection archive from my thread in the EFB forum

:mrgreen:  VG
BTW how about icfu? I haven't seen him for long here and didn't see any "good bye" either. Did he left permanently, temporarily, or just stays quiet? Do you have any info?

Posted: 2008-12-07, 23:26 UTC
by Sam_Zen
Tahattmeruh wrote:..i move a folder with drag and drop by accident and i have to search all folders where i put the other one in.
wanderer wrote:this has happened to me too, numerous times. Certainly an undo would be appreciated in such situations.
I don't think drag and drop accidents are a strong reason for having an undo-function.
It's a dreadful concept in the first place, asking for trouble and should be avoided if possible.

Posted: 2008-12-08, 00:13 UTC
by van Dusen
Horst.Epp wrote:I've problems to download it from rapidshare.
Sorry for that inconvenience. I've uploaded it now additionally to
and to

Horst.Epp wrote:It would be easier if you share it on
Some time ago I read somewhere, that Ergo don't like to host stuff, which is expected to have only a few downloads. Normally my scripts / tools were downloaded less than 10 times (rapidshare had provided a download counter in former times), so that they are not qualified for


Thank you for the information.

Via ICQ---

Posted: 2008-12-08, 01:59 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !
BTW how about icfu?…
• I guess you could contact him via ICQ… ;)

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2008-12-08, 09:05 UTC
by wanderer
Sam_Zen wrote:It's a dreadful concept in the first place, asking for trouble and should be avoided if possible.
I don't know about that. We're humans and to be human means to make mistakes. I've found undo pretty useful in Word, Excel, text editors, Devel environments, etc. Why would it be dreadful in a file manager? Granted it may not be so easy to implement as some would like to believe but IMO it would be useful if implemented in a smart way.

Posted: 2008-12-08, 12:16 UTC
by Horst.Epp
@van Dusen
Thanks for the alternate download sources.

I tried to undo a simple rename but it doesn't work.
It looks like the script goes into Pause mode.
There are no errors shown and nothing is added to the logfile.

The entry from the logfile I tried to undo is:
08.12.2008 12:45:15: Move: c:\temp\SAMClientError.log -> c:\temp\SAMClientErrorxx.log

Also it sizes its window in a strange way so that I can't reach the top or bottom of it until I maximize it from the task bar.
I'm using 1024 x 768 screen resolution

Posted: 2008-12-08, 15:07 UTC
by Sam_Zen
2 wanderer
I'm human so I try to avoid mistakes.
TC is much more than a filemanager, with all kinds of tasks and options, so it would be indeed very complicated to implement an undo function, covering all that's going on.

Posted: 2008-12-08, 15:19 UTC
by wanderer
Sam_Zen wrote:it would be indeed very complicated to implement an undo function
Ok, being complicated is different than dreadful. I too agree it will not be easy to implement but in some cases it would be useful. In other cases it will simply be impossible (files that have been overwritten for instance). I think it would be nice to be considered as a wish for a future version, at least the simple parts that can be implemented (moving files around without anything being overwritten, restoring last "delete to recycle-bin" action, etc).

Posted: 2008-12-08, 15:23 UTC
by JohnFredC
I think a third party effort such as van Dusen's is the right approach.

Posted: 2008-12-09, 01:02 UTC
by Sam_Zen
Agreed. So one has the choice of implementing it, depending on the nature of the personal TC use.