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Posted: 2009-05-01, 17:10 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• Indeed that option is there, just edit any connection from the list and put glasses on your nose :
[×] Send command to keep connection alive: … :P

:mrgreen:  KR

Posted: 2009-05-01, 17:11 UTC
by Da_Teach
Hahaha, I can be such a noop ;)

After more searching I found its not a global option but a 'per connection' option. Never mind me then :D

I never used the per-connection settings as I never save my FTP sites.
(only really use 1 ftp site, and its in TC's cache all the time, no reason for me to save it as I dont want it to save my username/password anyways)

Fake edit: was typing this response when I saw yours as well, but found it myself just a minute ago :oops:

Posted: 2009-05-02, 04:18 UTC
by ado

Posted: 2009-05-02, 12:07 UTC
by petermad
Support++ also again!

Posted: 2009-05-02, 15:35 UTC
by Boofo
And one more Support++!

Also, what is the best setting for the keep alive command. Does anyone have one that actually works?

Best ??? No Best

Posted: 2009-05-02, 16:26 UTC
by Clo

:) Hi Bob !

• There is no “best” setting for that F T P feature, it depends on every server regarding to its own time-out duration…
- The default is each 90 seconds, generally convenient…
- However, I had to shorten that time (thus, increase the frequency) with some server
which disconnected continually when on idle (nothing sent¦downloaded) with the NOOP command.
- Hence, I'm not sure that this function as global (one setting for all connections) is desirable and a valid solution…
- To me the “Per connection” setting is logical and fine. Just my opinion, though.

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-05-05, 08:13 UTC
by cos
ghisler(Author) wrote:The problem is that there are ways to enable auto-reconnect when the connection is lost. What I would need is a 100% bulletproof way to detect that an Internet connection is available. Virus scanners seem to know that, and get their updates automatically when the connection is established. But how do they know?
I think it's not understood correctly :)

i am not referring to an AUTO connect, not self triggered (by application)!

I am talking (and even gave a scenario / example) when the user wants to do something (user triggered). He, the user, clicks to go to an upper folder, or to upload a file or anything.

You (TC) already KNOW that the connection is dead, since you are prompting the user to reconnect, so instead of asking the user with the message, you can do a reconnect instead, silently.

ps: i am willing to call you over phone, to explain this, it's really really very basic and simple, so if you are interested, send me a phoen number on PM, and i will call once i see it

And to the rest, keep alive, is not an option as as most of you know, it's not reliable, not ping, not noop, not anything, each ftp is differently configured.

Posted: 2009-05-05, 08:41 UTC
by Boofo
When I upload php files to upgrade my site (vbulletin), it will go along fine and then after a short while, disconnect and give me the reconnect message. I have never been able to upload all of the php files (less than 3 meg) in a single shot in any host I have been with. It would be nice to be able to stay connected when I am doing something on the server.


Do you have any recommendations on how I would find out what would work on the server I am on to stay connected? I have tried everything and I get disconnected in the middle of php file transfer uploads.


Posted: 2009-05-05, 11:40 UTC
by Clo

:) Hi Bob !

• Like Cos says above, each server is configured differently, it's ticklish to give any advice…
- If you are disconnected frequently, that could mean that the timeout is short,
so at the very outside, attempt to shorten the "Keep alive"…
… Supposing that the sent command is supported. To know this, type HELP (as is, uppercase)
in the command line when connected >> Enter.
- You'll get a list of the supported commands for that server.

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-05-05, 11:56 UTC
by Boofo
Aha! I didn't know that! Thank you!

Here is what it shows:
214-The following SITE commands are recognized
214 Pure-FTPd -

Posted: 2009-05-12, 14:02 UTC
by cos
Christian, were you able to look into this?

Please don't tell me, you just abandoned it :)

thank you in advance.

Posted: 2009-05-12, 20:25 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I have already eliminated the useless "do you want to reconnect" when the user presses Cancel instead of entering a password when connecting. Unfortunately I haven't gotten any further yet, this is really extremely time-consuming. :(