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Posted: 2009-07-28, 17:03 UTC
by Balderstrom
I find it generally useful to have this:
menuitem "F&older No Sorting", cm_SwitchDirSort
in my MainMenu.mnu's View menu. Which toggles the Config|Display|Directory Sorting (options).
IF cm_SrcByDateTime isn't working, its likely the SwitchDirSort option has been toggled somehow.

Posted: 2009-07-28, 17:10 UTC
by petermad
I was adressing this:
I noticed that it's possible to make a shortcut to cm_SrcByDateTime and sort the files in the active window by date (although apparently the directories aren't sorted?)
To the latter part I commented this:
You can change that in Configuration -> Display -> Sorting directories: -> Like files (also by time)
Whereafter I adressed this:
No, that option is already on. cm_SrcByDateTime still doesn't sort directories, try it for yourself.
I know it doesn't fully relate to the original subject, but since it was the poster himself that brought it up I think I was OK in answering to it.

BTW - I believe that when wayfinder is talking about directory shortcuts he means items in the "Directory hotlist" (Ctrl-D menu) - so when you write:
A Folder shortcut is a windows convention, that you can [optionally] tell to open with TC.
it can be kinda confusing...

Posted: 2009-07-28, 17:51 UTC
by petermad
IF cm_SrcByDateTime isn't working, its likely the SwitchDirSort option has been toggled somehow.
Exactly my point.

Only, SortDirsByName is on by default (and it should be off in order to work the way wayfinder wants it) - so cm_SwitchDirSort hasn't been toggled - it hasn't been used ;-)

Posted: 2009-07-29, 09:04 UTC
by wayfinder
petermad wrote: BTW - I believe that when wayfinder is talking about directory shortcuts he means items in the "Directory hotlist" (Ctrl-D menu) - so when you write:
A Folder shortcut is a windows convention, that you can [optionally] tell to open with TC.
it can be kinda confusing...
Right, I'm apparently not up on all the jargon yet ;) Anyway, I'm quite sure that sorting directories by date was switched on before I even started experimenting. But I just went back and tried cm_SrcByDateTime again, and now it sorted the directories (not that I changed anything in the options in the meantime, so I guess I was, I don't know, high on paint fumes or something when it didn't ;)).

Edit: by the way, what still doesn't happen with cm_SrcByDateTime is an indication in the column headers that the list is ordered by date/time (it happens with cm_SortByCol)

Posted: 2009-07-29, 10:25 UTC
by petermad
what still doesn't happen with cm_SrcByDateTime is an indication in the column headers that the list is ordered by date/time
Well, again - it works here.

Posted: 2009-07-29, 10:26 UTC
by Balderstrom
@ Wayfinder
Ah this one I know, You are using a CustomColumn...
And it is sorting by "WriteDate", but your custom column doesn't have a writeDate tabStop, so you can't see a graphical indication.

Posted: 2009-07-29, 10:36 UTC
by petermad
You are using a CustomColumn.
I have been suspecting that, but even with a writedate custom column cm_SrcByDateTime changes the tab header. Wayfinder is rather using a creationdate column.

Posted: 2009-07-29, 11:09 UTC
by Balderstrom
Or no date column at all, either way the cm_SrcByDateTime will sort the files by WriteDate, even if the WriteDate column doesn't exist.

Posted: 2009-07-29, 18:19 UTC
by wayfinder
petermad wrote:
You are using a CustomColumn.
I have been suspecting that, but even with a writedate custom column cm_SrcByDateTime changes the tab header. Wayfinder is rather using a creationdate column.
Spot on, changed it to a changed date column and now the tab header shows the sort method.

Thanks everyone ;)