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Posted: 2004-04-10, 19:55 UTC
by DSE
One idea :

In the install program, ask for which default key config the user want to use :
- F2 rename, F5 refresh...
- ^F6 rename, F2 refresh...
- any other sugested 'standard' config
- don't care (for versions updates)

...and with the possibility to change any shortcut, we can do our own config...

Customise shortcut-keys

Posted: 2004-04-15, 17:11 UTC
by gkokmdam
It would be good if any action could be linked to a shortcut key. And that this information was stored in some profile. That way one can switch from 'good-old' TC to WC to M$ to what-ever set of shortcut-keys. That would be handy! :lol:

Posted: 2004-04-28, 02:20 UTC
by Genghis86
Personally, no. F2 is Windows key. When I moved to totalcmd from norton commander, I found it very pleasing to have exactly same keys. I have used it for years. But if its customizable, then its fine. :)

Posted: 2004-05-16, 01:10 UTC
by steve_3199
We could always leave this option up to the user, with the configuration they choose to use, couldnt we?

Posted: 2004-05-17, 10:59 UTC
by Black Dog
[face=courier]On 28-04-2004 04:20:15 +0000 Genghis86 wrote:

G> F2 is Windows key. When I moved to totalcmd from norton
G> commander, I found it very pleasing to have exactly same
G> keys. I have used it for years.

Talking about "exactly same keys" - "F2" stands for User menu in NC and has nothing with refresh. So this all is not about NC legacy, actually.[/face]


Posted: 2004-06-11, 13:49 UTC
by GodZilly
All I can is: Finally.

Always when trying to convert explorer-users to Commander, they frown when I tell them you dont press F2 to rename, you press shift PLUS F6, which is two keys, for the task of one.

I've wondered why oh why F2 wasnt used for renameing since it not listed at the bottom of commander. I tried pressing it, and nothing happening, so I thought it was used for nothing, but today I found out that its for refreshing. I've always used ctrl+r for refreshing so for me it would be a dream come true if the F2-key finally would be used for renameing.

Good idea!

Posted: 2004-10-12, 15:56 UTC
by deckard
This would be an intuitive change that I think the majority of users would welcome. Sure, power users from the Norton Commander DOS-days might not, but I said "the majority"... :)

I vote yes, even though I am a "power user".


Posted: 2004-10-12, 18:48 UTC
by Black Dog
[face=courier]On 12-10-2004 17:56:01 +0000 cyberzip wrote:

c> power users from the Norton Commander DOS-days might not

OMG!!! This is not about Norton Commander!

c> I vote yes, even though I am a "power user".

LOL - that's OK for power users, only Administrators ought to use "F2" for refresh %))).[/face]

Posted: 2004-10-13, 08:55 UTC
by fredvej
Let us remember who is to benefit from this change. If the reason for the suggested change is to ease the way for Explorer-users to TC, the changing of one default button will not suffice. All buttons must be as close to Explorer as possible.

The approach using keymap schemes is far more flexible, as suggested by jb and jinsight. TC veterans know how to remap keys, and I guess we all have our favourite customised wincmd.ini to replace the default one when we make a new installation. Therefore the default hardcoded keymapping should stay unchanged. It's old and not "standard", but we are so used to it that it will hurt our fingers to learn a new one, and we don't want to put the default keymap into our carefully crafted ini-file.

The panel for configuration (Misc.) should contain a radio button selection of keymap schemes, choose between normal TC (no keymapping in wincmd.ini) and Windows/Explorer "standard" (keymapping put into wincmd.ini, all function buttons and so on like Explorer). When TC starts without a wincmd.ini, the user should be presented with this configuration panel. The default choice in this situation should be the Explorer keymap.

Consequently, choosing the TC keymap in the configuration panel should remove the mapping of keys handled by the Explorer keymap from wincmd.ini without altering mapping of keys not handled by the Explorer keymap.

The other configuration options where we choose how a certain button should behave ought to be handled using keymapping too, e.g. the choices for the F3 viewer behaviour and the F4 editor button. This would avoid conflicts between settings.

Posted: 2004-11-04, 20:39 UTC
by Helix751
I believe a different approach could be available: customizable Profiles

This way, a group of keys could be assigned in a snap, without having to mess with configuration dialogs or files.
Even the default profile could be asked at installation time.

There could be a Norton Commander profile (the one we already use and know), a Windows CUA profile (F2=rename, F5=refresh), an Hybrid profile (which could combine the best of the 2 previous) and Custom profiles that other users could upload to the plugin sites.

Bad idea

Posted: 2004-11-08, 11:50 UTC
by ottodostal
I am used to use F2 to refresh (I didn't even know that ctr-r is doing it too, until reading this forum), it would be a nightmare for me to learn to change this habit.

I am still often pressing wrong keys since you changed multi-rename tool from ctr-T to ctr-M!

It would be a different situation if we were asking this question at the time the Windows Commander was born, but after a decade of usage ... ?! :shock:

Are you sure? :P

Posted: 2004-11-08, 13:17 UTC
by Clo
:) Hello !
I am still often pressing wrong keys since you changed multi-rename tool from ctr-T to ctr-M!
- Disable totally the folder-tabs, then press CTRL+T ;)

:mrgreen: Kind regards,

Posted: 2004-11-14, 20:44 UTC
by Roeland
I use F2 for refreshing but I can cope with changing to Ctrl+R.

Posted: 2004-12-26, 13:28 UTC
by paul-white
[Post deleted]

Posted: 2004-12-26, 14:25 UTC
by Hacker
I assume you complained to Microsoft for ignoring the standard set by Norton Commander...?

