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Different set of colors for files panel and Separate tree

Posted: 2006-11-01, 00:49 UTC
by wanderer
It would be nice at least to be able to define a different background in order to make it more clear but if this is done, why not have a totally different set of colors, one for the files panel and one for the tree in "separate tree" mode.

Posted: 2006-11-01, 01:06 UTC
by sas2000
Support +

Posted: 2006-11-01, 13:45 UTC
by wanderer
After spending some time with the new environment, especially with the separate tree layout, i believe that separate colors would help very much.

Suggestion 2 Christian: If possible, please implement a "separate tree background color change" INI entry (just that, no other colors), in order for us (or you or some alpha tester, whatever you decide) to play with it a little and decide if it indeed helps or not.