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Overlay Icons are gone

Posted: 2006-11-14, 07:44 UTC
by Stephan.Gerhards
Hello all

I have tried the new Total Commander beta and now I have a problem. I am using TortoiseSVN, the actual version 1.4.1 and the overlay icons worked very good with TC 6.55. Then I tried the new beta TC and my overlay icons are completly gone in TC. I tried all kinds of settings in the Total comander icon settings, but with no luck.
Next I deleted the beta and install TC 6.55 again, but the overlay icons are gone too. No way to get them work again.
Whe I open the same directory with windows explorer, the overlay icons are visible, so I dont't think that the problem is with TSVN. Also, I tried this on an other computer and it works fine. :sad:
Then I uninstall TC completly from my computer, delete the ini files and make a complete new start, but the overlay icons dont appear again.

Any idea, how to fix this?


Posted: 2006-11-14, 08:12 UTC
by SanskritFritz
Interesting, I also use TortoiseSVN, without problems. I'm sure you did this, but just to make sure: have you set the option
Icons / Show overlay icons, e.g. for links

Posted: 2006-11-14, 14:25 UTC
by Stephan.Gerhards
Thanks for SanskritFritz for your answer. Yes, I set this option on. As I said before, I have both programs also running on my home system without a problem. So I think, that it is not a TC only error, but I think that there is something wrong with the cooperation of TC and TSVN in special circumstances...

Funny is, that after a complete deinstall of the beta and a new install of the TC 6.55, the icons overlay icons are also gone. But, in Explorer everything is OK.
I checked TC with the "Desktop" folder, and here I can see overlay Icons too (for the shortcuts). So the problem is not the display of overlay icons in general, but only with the TSVN overlays....

Very strange....


Posted: 2006-11-14, 14:28 UTC
by Lefteous
Maybe there is a problem with a certain TortoiseSVN version? I have 1.35.6804 here and it works fine.

Posted: 2006-11-14, 15:18 UTC
by Stephan.Gerhards
I found the bug myself, sorry people, it was not a TC problem, but a wrong setting in TSVN :oops:

Someone (not me, I promise :wink:) has activated the setting, to make TSVN show the overlays only in the explorer....

Sorry, next round is on me...
