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[Wish] Directories with Extension

Posted: 2006-11-27, 14:15 UTC
by Kebba

Am I wrong or was it a nice feature with TC 6.x, one was able to sort directories to Extensions?! Was it a bug or a feature? And it is gone with TC7!

ok ok - i know: directories normally doesn't have extensions ;-)

I have a lot of mp3 dirs at my HD which I sort with an Extension like:

Fila Brazillia\Another fine mess.2004
Fila Brazillia\Another Late Night.2001

and so on

It was nice in earlier versions to sort it now with that extension, so I was able to get something like a chronogical sorting of my directories.

This feature/bug I want back in TC7

btw: I use TC (former known as WindowsCommander since version 3.51

Posted: 2006-11-27, 14:26 UTC
by SanskritFritz
You can use the Expander plugin, this way you will have even more flexibility.

Posted: 2006-11-27, 16:21 UTC
by Kebba
SanskritFritz wrote:2Kebba
You can use the Expander plugin, this way you will have even more flexibility.
ok installed it, but dont know how to config then. Dont see anything. Me stupid or blind or what ;-)

plz help me more in details with that plugin!

Thanx in advance

Posted: 2006-11-27, 17:32 UTC
by norfie²
This useful feature is gone:
History.txt wrote:07.05.06 Modif: Never sort directories by extension - when sorting by extension and dirs are sorted like names, sort dirs by name

Posted: 2006-11-27, 21:07 UTC
by petermad
It was nice in earlier versions to sort it now with that extension, so I was able to get something like a chronogical sorting of my directories.

It really should be optional to treat extensions in dirs as such or not.

Posted: 2008-05-07, 06:56 UTC
by andymiller
ok installed it, but dont know how to config then. Dont see anything. Me stupid or blind or what

plz help me more in details with that plugin!
Hey me too! Maybe I'm too old for this but I've searched everything I can think of including the wiki and the only info I can find on it is this:
Use it to separate filename into diferent string (specific char separator) for sorting puprose
If separator is "\" then the path is also explosed

Posted: 2008-05-07, 11:07 UTC
by petermad
Just for your information:
20.02.07 Added: wincmd.ini [Configuration] SortDirExt=1 re-enables sorting of directories by extension (if sorting directories by name is turned off)

Posted: 2008-06-17, 20:39 UTC
by andymiller
Can anyone explain how to configure the apparently very useful expander plugin? Where do you specify the delimiter(s) you want to use? I had it figured out once but forgot.

- Andy

Found this in another post:

2: editar el archivo Expander.lng luego escojer un caracter como separador ejemplo utilizar guion como separador entonces
Divider = -

In english I think this implies:

Edit the file expander.lng (it's a text file located in my "C:\Program Files\TC UP\Plugins\wdx\Expander\" directory. Change the text after the entry "Divider =" to whatever string you want to use as a delimiter. If you wanted to use ~ as a delimeter it would look like:
Divider =~

If you wanted to use <space>~<space> as the delimter it would look like:
Divider = ~
(a space on either side of the ~)

I'm just guessing here since I haven't been able to find any definitive documentation on it. If anyone knows where a readme.txt or faq is please post.

- Andy

Posted: 2008-06-17, 21:23 UTC
by franck8244
Hi, I'm the author of expander, here is a readme...

Code: Select all

This readme was written by Abterix (on, 07.08.2007 - 13:43)
Thanks to him...
1) download the plugin and let install it
Should be done Already...

2) configure an "user-defined columns" view
2b add => Expander => Part1
2c add => Expander => Part2
2d ....

You have now
Part1, 80, [=expander.Part1]
Part2, 80, [=expander.Part2]

Close all.

3) Back in main TC window select your "user-defined columns" view

Look in file "Expander.lng" for Divider settings


Modify the underscore char to your needs, e.g. to a dash
Copy Expander-folder from

and rename Expander.wdx
to Expander-.wdx

and modify the "Expander.lng" in this new folder.

Than add this 'new' Plugin to TC.

Now you have two plugins with different settings.
Are your MP3s named like Artist - Song.mp3?

You can modify the column header caption from
Part1, 80, [=expander-.Part1]
Part2, 80, [=expander-.Part2]

to f.ex.
Artist, 80, [=expander-.Part1]
Song, 80, [=expander-.Part2]

Now use this "user-defined columns" view at your MP3 collection
and you are able to sort by 'Song'

Posted: 2008-06-18, 00:48 UTC
by andymiller
Great info! Thank you Franck. 8)

Posted: 2009-05-11, 11:01 UTC
by u_u86
Hi, Frank! I find your Expander plug-in very useful, it helped me with database sorting purposes. With recently release of long waited unicode support in TC 7.5 I really miss this feature in your plug-in! If you not very busy can you update it with unicode support? It could be very pleasant! Thanks for such great plug-in.

Posted: 2009-05-11, 18:22 UTC
by franck8244
Please contact me by email (for a test version)

Posted: 2009-05-13, 04:30 UTC
by u_u86
Sorry, for no reply. For some reasons I cannot send e-mails, taking error "You must be member for at least 1 days and have posted at least 1 messages before you can send e-mails through the board!"... May be this message improve situation..


Really. I send you a message.