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Bug[?] FTP: No 'Resume' button

Posted: 2007-04-17, 03:02 UTC
by SPeller
TC7 rc 1, 2.
If I try to upload a directory with file(s) to an ftp and a file already exists in the ftp directory I get the confirmation dialog but without "Resume" and "Resume All" buttons:


Think this should be fixed.

Re: Bug[?] FTP: No 'Resume' button

Posted: 2007-04-17, 07:49 UTC
by karlchen
SPeller wrote:TC7 rc 1, 2.
If I try to upload a directory with file(s) to an ftp and a file already exists in the ftp directory I get the confirmation dialog but without "Resume" and "Resume All" buttons:
What should "Resume" and "Resume All" in this case do?
This is a simple overwrite confirmation or denial situation, nothing to be resumed?!
(To my understanding, "Resume"/"Resume All" implies a previous data transfer process has been interrupted. Or do I miss something?)


Posted: 2007-04-17, 09:10 UTC
by SPeller
If I open dirs and try to copy the file instead of directory - the confirmation dialog contain buttons "resume" and "resume all". This buttons resumes aborted upload if target file size is smaller than source file size.

Posted: 2007-04-17, 09:47 UTC
by karlchen
Hi, SPeller.

Switched on my brain, had a look at what happens, and now I understand you. :)
I agree the "Resume" and "Resume All" buttons should be displayed.

Now for the strange thing:
I cannot reproduce the behaviour you describe and which your screenshot clearly shows. :?

+ Client: WinXP Pro Sp2, T.C. 7.0rc2
+ Server: Linux (though this should not matter)

Server side:
+ folder /var/tmp/zips

Client side:
+ folder D:\DL\KAV\zips

I use the internal T.C. FTP client in order to transfer the files from the server /var/tmp/zips to the client D:\DL\KAV\zips:
+ I will always get the complete dialogue box, no matter whether
+ I go inside the zips folder on both sides before starting thus transferring only files
+ I go up 1 level on both sides and select to transfer the folder zips from /var/tmp to D:\DL\KAV\

The dialogue box will always be complete and show

Code: Select all

Overwrite   OverwriteAll   Skip
Abort       SkipAll        Rename
Resume      ResumAll
What did I do wrong this time? What did I misunderstand this time? :oops:


Posted: 2007-04-17, 09:56 UTC
by karlchen
SPeller wrote:If I open dirs and try to copy the file instead of directory - the confirmation dialog contain buttons "resume" and "resume all". This buttons resumes aborted upload if target file size is smaller than source file size.
The usage of "Resume" / "Resume All" seems to be tricky:
The thing is that you should not press "resume (all)", if the previous transfer has not been aborted/interrupted.

If you are simply updating the target files, do not use "resume", because a full (re-)transfer of the affected files is required, nothing to be resumed in this case.


Posted: 2007-04-17, 09:59 UTC
by CoolWater
I also get no Resume-Buttons displayed :(

TC 7 rc2, WinXP Pro SP2


You did it the wrong way. When you UPLOAD (to the FTP) the folder twice you will get no Resume buttons. When you DOWNLOAD the folder twice you WILL get Resume buttons.


Posted: 2007-04-17, 10:28 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Do you use the WAR-FTPD server? If this server is detected, then resume upload is disabled because many versions of War-FTPD damaged files instead of resuming both with the APPE and the REST command. Furthermore, the server must support the SIZE command.

Posted: 2007-04-17, 10:35 UTC
by karlchen
CoolWater wrote:@karlchen
You did it the wrong way. When you UPLOAD (to the FTP) the folder twice you will get no Resume buttons.
Oops, yes, SPeller wrote "upload". :oops:
(Someday I will learn to read.)
SPeller wrote:If I try to upload a directory with file(s) to an ftp and a file already exists in the ftp directory I get the confirmation dialog but without "Resume" and "Resume All" buttons
Environment as specified above, but this time uploads to the FTP server were tried.
Confirm your report.

So my FTP daemon does not seem to fullfil the requirements, either.
Checked it: It does not understand any of the required commands: APPE, REST, SIZE.


Posted: 2007-04-17, 10:52 UTC
by CoolWater
I've made some tests with my PROFTPD server:

- No resume button at all when uploading an entire dir!
- When I resume uploading a single file or multiple files and the already uploaded part of each file is larger than 32KB I get the resume buttons.


Posted: 2007-04-17, 16:48 UTC
by SPeller
ghisler(Author) wrote:Do you use the WAR-FTPD server?
At this moment I have no access to the server from my screenshot and no time to reproduce this thing. But I remember when I tried to upload single file - resumed upload was completed successfully.

And I think this is a bug because if uploading directory - no buttons. If uploading files on the same FTP server - buttons exists.

Posted: 2007-04-17, 20:53 UTC
by karlchen
Hi, SPeller.

Maybe you missed my latest input on the button issue, the one where I transferred in the same direction as you and uploaded to the FTP server, cf. here:
Confirm your report.

So my FTP daemon does not seem to fullfil the requirements, either.
Checked it: It does not understand any of the required commands: APPE, REST, SIZE.
And a bit above Christian stated that before displaying the buttons "Resume" / "Resume all" in the dialogue box, T.C. tries to make sure the FTP server can handle "Resume (All)".

So I guess your server fails this test just as the one I used.

Displaying the "Resume (All)" buttons when transferring folders to such a server seems to make little sense, if I understand Christian right.


Posted: 2007-04-18, 13:52 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Displaying the "Resume (All)" buttons when transferring folders to such a server seems to make little sense, if I understand Christian right.
Thast's correct. Resume upload can be done either by appending to an existing file (APPE command), or by telling the server to restart the upload at a specific byte value (REST). The SIZE command is needed to determine reliably how much of the file is already there.

Posted: 2007-04-19, 00:57 UTC
by SPeller
What problem to determine resume availability while transferring folder? I think it is the same as transferring multiple files.

Any news ?

Posted: 2009-05-16, 13:56 UTC
by Clo

:) Good afternoon,

• Is there any news about the WarFTPd server issues ? Did its author fix these bugs meanwhile ?
- It's just to eventually update the Tutos (I saw that the warning in the official Help didn't change, so…).
- I don't deal with this type of server, thus I can't check.
TIA for any info !

:mrgreen: VG

Posted: 2009-05-17, 12:24 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Since I do not know which versions of WarFTPd support it correctly and which not, I prefer not to enable resume for WarFTPd uploads, sorry.