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Copy / Move Improvement

Posted: 2007-05-07, 09:29 UTC
by nunomco

I don't know if this feature is already available or requested (at least I didn't find it using search but again, maybe I didn't correctly searched for what I wanted to find, lol).

Imagine the following scenario:

left: d:\music
right: e:\ripped\nirvana\(1989) Bleach\

I would like to mark the files displayed in the right panel and then copy/move them to the left (easy, F5 :D ). But I would like an option to automatically copy them to d:\music\nirvana\(1989) Bleach\.

I know I can create the directories or even specify them in the copy dialog. But I would like to just choose the path depth level to copy (imagine the power of this option in branch view).

My suggestion would be the following in the copy dialog:

Path Level to Copy: x (as integer)

(0) Default: No Path;
(1) (1989) Bleach\
(2) Nirvana\(1989) Bleach\
(3) ...

Hope I could make myself understandable... :D

Posted: 2007-05-07, 10:07 UTC
by StickyNomad
Hm I didn't miss such feature so far, but it could indeed be of use in some cases.

So I'm not against this addition.

Posted: 2007-05-07, 13:22 UTC
by now

Posted: 2007-05-07, 13:31 UTC
by nunomco

Does what I was suggesting/looking for...

Nevertheless It would be interesting to have this opinion right out-of-the-box!
