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Better message box that shows up when closing a locked tab

Posted: 2007-05-08, 09:27 UTC
by now
The message box that shows up when you're closing a locked tab can be improved in two ways.

First, the message should be made less imposing and a bit more verbose, for example:

The tab you are about to close has been locked.
Do you still want to close it?

Second, the buttons available should only be “Yes” and “No”, no “Cancel” button.

Posted: 2007-05-08, 16:02 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The Cancel button is there only because of Microsoft. Their clever MessageBox function only closes on ESC when there is a Cancel button, not when there is a "No" button...

Posted: 2007-05-09, 08:22 UTC
by now
Ugh, that’s very true. Perhaps make it into a “OK” + “Cancel” dialog, then?