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TC7rc4 - Change Attributes, Load from file under cursor

Posted: 2007-05-13, 10:22 UTC
by white
Suggestion for the Change Attributes dialog (menu Files/Change Attributes).

I think the button Load from file under cursor is very user unfriendly.
I suggest to change it into a import button (change the text of the button to Import) which starts a import wizard or dialog. In this wizard or dialog the user can choose what to import (classic file attributes, custom attributes, date/time) and the user can browse for a file to import from.

Posted: 2007-05-16, 00:18 UTC
by StatusQuo
I (partly) disagree. "Load from file under cursor" is useful, too,
with this you can quickly transfer attributes from one file to other (marked) files.

This doesn't give the possibility to get the attributes from a file on the other panel, though.
Here an "Import" button/dialog could be useful, indeed.
So I suggest to add this additionally to "Load from file..." (which actually is quite easy overlooked there at the bottom, IMO).