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[Suggestion] F4 from Lister

Posted: 2007-05-15, 10:42 UTC
by szlori
How about being able to call up the editor right from inside Lister?

Sometimes I simply look at some configuration file (using Lister of course).
Then I realize, I'd like to change some configuration.
Now I have to close Lister then press F4 to open the file in the configured editor.
Wouldn't it be elegant to be able to press F4 from Lister, then:
  • Lister would close
  • and the file will be open with the configured editor
I don't say there is a lot to gain with this.
But it should be simple and is similar to the way you can switch to edit mode from compare by content.

Posted: 2007-05-15, 13:28 UTC
by Alextp
Also implemented in FAR manager (F6 key).


Posted: 2007-05-15, 14:03 UTC
by solid

Re: [Suggestion] F4 from Lister

Posted: 2007-05-15, 20:00 UTC
by eugensyl
szlori wrote:How about being able to call up the editor right from inside Lister?
Suport ++++

I have tried "Apploader" plugin for that, but it's difficult to set.

Best wishes,

Posted: 2007-05-15, 22:21 UTC
by Hacker

Posted: 2007-05-15, 23:15 UTC
by fenix_productions
Btw. Synplus has F4 shortcut to switch on/off "Read only mode".

Posted: 2007-05-16, 00:07 UTC
by Sam_Zen

Posted: 2007-05-16, 06:18 UTC
by Yorker
Me too

Posted: 2007-05-16, 06:38 UTC
by Sombra

Posted: 2007-05-17, 09:27 UTC
by StatusQuo
Support, would be nice.

Posted: 2007-05-17, 10:07 UTC
by titanium
Support. Why didn't I think about it ? :roll: