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yes, please, offer the old ctrl-tab behavior

Posted: 2007-05-23, 23:51 UTC
by schittli
Please, please offer the old ctrl-tab-behavior.
The new 'style' is very cumbersome for us. At the beginning of testing it, it was funny, but in our daily business, we always have to change the Tabs by releaseing the control-key to see the content...

We work in directories which are very long and very similar and therefore we are always searching for the difference in the long string:

Code: Select all

Register 1:
x:\www\drupal\Config [Allgemein]\FCKedit & CSS\drupal\cvs\sites\all\modules\fckeditor\fckeditor\editor\_source\classes\
Register 2:
x:\www\drupal\Config [Allgemein]\FCKedit & CSS\drupalt\cvs\sites\all\modules\fckeditor\fckeditor\editor\_source\classes\
(The 2nd is the Test-Stream and has just a 't' suffix in 'CSS\drupal')

So please, please offer the old behavior as it is for us a killer not to change to the new release.

Thanks a lot in advance,
kind regards,
Thomas :cry:

Already exists

Posted: 2007-05-24, 00:17 UTC
by Clo
—> schittli
:) Hello !
• Add in <wincmd.ini> :

“Turns on old Ctrl+Tab switch mode: Jump directly to tab, not only when releasing the Tab key”

• This is documented in the Help and in our Tutorials… :wink:

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2007-05-24, 07:09 UTC
by Lefteous
We work in directories which are very long and very similar and therefore we are always searching for the difference in the long string:
The full path is displayed in a tooltip when using the new tab switching mode.

Posted: 2007-05-24, 07:17 UTC
by schittli
Thank you very much Clo!, for your fast answer & solution! :D

Two years ago, I would have searched Google, Tutorials, ... for such
a hidden option, but as TCMD is a mature product, I expect two things:
- a new release act as usual
- new features can be enabled (&disabled) in the configuration Dialog

I assume that most Users expect it similar...

I install TCMD on every new computer I support it it is much simpler to
change the configuration than to have some notes for 'super-admin'-options
which are in fact just usual...

Have a good day,
kind regards,

Posted: 2007-05-24, 07:22 UTC
by Lefteous
a new release act as usual
Well there is also another side of the same coin. I also read comments on news sites where people have downloaded new versions of programs and write comments like "Nothing has changed in the new version".
new features can be enabled (&disabled) in the configuration Dialog
I agree about this. This is really one of the most important tab options.

Posted: 2007-05-24, 07:24 UTC
by schittli
The full path is displayed in a tooltip when using the new tab switching mode.
Yes, I know - I tried to explain that its a 'long' time task to parse a 200 character path
to see if there is somewhere a 't' - and if I'm in a hurry, then it happenend that I started
working in the wrong Tab.
Using the old Tab Mode, I focus on the content and can not remeber any situation
where I missed the right Tab...

Have a good day!,
kind regards,

Posted: 2007-05-24, 07:34 UTC
by Lefteous
Yes, I know - I tried to explain that its a 'long' time task to parse a 200 character path
to see if there is somewhere a 't' - and if I'm in a hurry, then it happenend that I started
working in the wrong Tab.
Using the old Tab Mode, I focus on the content and can not remeber any situation
where I missed the right Tab...
I see. In your context of use the old tab switching mode seems to be better.

To complete this - there is another way of using the old tab switching mode without deactivating the new tab switching mode.
You can assign a hotkey like Shift+F12 to cm_SwitchToNextTab (for example). Using this shortcut switches the tab the old way while Ctrl+Tab will use the new mode.

Posted: 2007-05-24, 14:17 UTC
by schittli
Hi Lefteous

Thank you for the Tip to assign cm_SwitchToNextTab - I tried it but prefer the classical
Tab handling - fortunately we don't have slow Devices where the Tooltip-Version makes sense.

Code: Select all

I also read comments on news sites where people have downloaded new versions 
of programs and write comments like "Nothing has changed in the new version". 
That's funny - I never thought about that (and I usually see the news at least in the new Options), and maybe it's one
of M$' Marketing-Trick: change the GUI...

(In tools like Totalcommander I expect better handling of basic functions like Non-Interrupted Filehandling [e.g. Delete
a folder with 20'000 files and after 20 files I get a question...] or stable ftp-handling without any Questions wich I will
answer with 'yes' for more than 99% - I love TCMD very much, but it still has a lot of small vexations since its first days.)

Your quote reminds me to this:
This Application offers many new and good things.
Unfortunately, the new things are bad and the good things are old.
Sometimes I add it as a signature to my plagued users...

Thanks again & kind regards,