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Second independent button bar at the same time

Posted: 2007-07-19, 13:55 UTC
by theosdikaios
I would like to have a second independent button bar at the same time.
Why? I want to have a "static" and a "dynamic" button bar.

First bar will collect the functions which I want to see ever e.g. buttons of TCs internal functions. This would be my "static" button bar.

Second button bar will be switched between different other button bars which I need not at the same time e.g. this different button bars are a collection of buttons for different projects. This would be my "dynamic" button bar.

Furhtermore a new command would be convenient: switch to a button bar of the "other" button bar i.e. if I click on a button on my "static" button bar then my "dynamic" button bar will be switched to an other project.

My todays solution is not convenient. The default button bar contains all buttons which I want to see ever and the links to the different project bars. When I switch to a project button bar I don't see the buttons which I want to see ever and if I need one of them I have to switch back to the default button bar...

I hope anybody could unterstand what I want to purpose.

Posted: 2007-07-19, 20:15 UTC
by Stance

Posted: 2007-07-19, 22:57 UTC
by theosdikaios
Making subbars
is not the solution because subbars (my project bars) are part of my problem. I have tons of subbars but if I switch to a subbar all my buttons which I want to see ever are now disappeared and I don't wanna copy all this buttons to every single subbar because this will lead to other problems e.g. consistency.

I want to have 2 main button bars at the same time on my Total Commander.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 07:26 UTC
by m^2
theosdikaios wrote:
Making subbars
is not the solution because subbars (my project bars) are part of my problem. I have tons of subbars but if I switch to a subbar all my buttons which I want to see ever are now disappeared and I don't wanna copy all this buttons to every single subbar because this will lead to other problems e.g. consistency.

I want to have 2 main button bars at the same time on my Total Commander.
You can have a 2-row buttonbars - just add more buttons than will fit in 1.
Then you can make all your bars have the 1 row constant - the main bar and the second varying between bars.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 07:38 UTC
by theosdikaios
You can have a 2-row buttonbars
Thanks, I know that but this is not a convenient solution (see above). It would be simple if there are more than one main button bar at the same time.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 13:12 UTC
by Stance
I want to have 2 main button bars at the same time on my Total Commander.
TCToolbar -picture:

TCToolbar -readme:

Please have a look at "TCMenu", another plugin from the same author.
It shows bar-files as a dropdown menu - very nice. :)

Posted: 2007-07-20, 14:19 UTC
by JohnFredC
Or you could try this.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 14:56 UTC
by RID500
Thank you Stance,

TC-Toolbar looks interesting. I will play with it a while.

Download at

---------- Stance ------------- ---------- Stance -------------
TCToolbar -picture:

TCToolbar -readme:

Please have a look at "TCMenu", another plugin from the same author.
It shows bar-files as a dropdown menu - very nice.
---------- Stance ------------- ---------- Stance -------------

Posted: 2007-07-20, 18:14 UTC
by theosdikaios
Thanks for all suggestions but I didn't look for a workaround for the missing second main button bar. TCToolbar development is stopped and it does not work for me (only a short test with one project bar - TCToolbar shows nothing). I don't expect that an external tool is able to integrate all Total Commander functions which I use in my project bars.

Which arguments contradict a second main button bar? Realization could be done without effort (almost). ;) I don't expect that I'm the only one who will profit from two independent main button bars.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 18:54 UTC
by RID500
> Which arguments contradict a second main button bar?

You have to wait till the author is interested and have time :D

I have decreased the size of the buttons and the icons. Now i have place for more buttons.
Then i had NestedBars to switch during several bars.
Further i have buttons only for tools which have to work with TC parameters (%P%N...)
for other Tools i have one button with an link to PopSel which give me a fine drop-down menu.

Posted: 2007-07-20, 20:57 UTC
by Vansumsen
The solution that I hope to see before to die is that each bar should be treated as a standalone object,
each one with its "covering" files.

I think that it's the best solution to get rid of the notion of default PRIOR !



Posted: 2007-07-21, 10:31 UTC
by wanderer
2 theosdikaios

I think similar requests have been discussed in the past but nothing has happened yet. I specifically remember someone asking for a buttonbar between the two filepanels and multiple movable buttonbars in a post - a nice idea. It seems that Christian has other priorities though so for now you may have to stick with the workarounds (until something changes)...

Posted: 2009-04-20, 06:37 UTC
by theosdikaios
This feature request still exists in spite of the new features of v7.5 as bar popup menu and line break.

BTW: Thanks for the great improvements of v7.5 :D.