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File search even beter !

Posted: 2007-11-26, 07:42 UTC
by nsp
Two small feature request :
edit: all above is related to content plugin additional tab !

A) (simple) adding a not regexp operator
for startsWith, endsWith, 8 first characters,... regex is what we need !

B) (more difficult) adding an expression comparison like "Left part" <operator > "Right part".
left part and right part are string like : "[tag.track] - [tag.title].[Media.ext]"

Where inside bracket you have a call to a content plugin !

-- the operator could be = != ....

This would be a really good file finding stuff !!!

Next step would be to have two streams => matching and not matching files at once and being able to populate two tabs !!!!! (I will wait TC 7.5 to ask this one for TC 7.52 ;) )

Posted: 2007-11-28, 22:17 UTC
by Flint
nsp wrote:A) (simple) adding a not regexp operator
for startsWith, endsWith, 8 first characters,... regex is what we need !
For text or for filename? If for text, then just check both RegEx (2) and Find files NOT containing the text.

Posted: 2007-11-29, 05:55 UTC
by nsp
I forgot to mention in my previous post that i was only referring the content plugin tab.

--- the post is edited ! ---

Posted: 2007-11-30, 09:18 UTC
by Flint
Then I support the idea.

Re: File search even beter !

Posted: 2008-08-14, 21:38 UTC
by white
nsp wrote:Two small feature request :
edit: all above is related to content plugin additional tab !

A) (simple) adding a not regexp operator
for startsWith, endsWith, 8 first characters,... regex is what we need !
Support++ This operator is strangely absent in the search function "Plugins" page. List of operators when defining a rule using a content plug-in field of type string:

Code: Select all

contains (case)
!contains (case)
!regex         <---  absent! 

Re: File search even beter !

Posted: 2009-05-14, 21:51 UTC
by white
nsp wrote: A) (simple) adding a not regexp operator
This feature has been implemented in TC 7.5
