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Adjust tabs to panel width

Posted: 2009-01-06, 10:22 UTC
by yeellow

There is already an option to "adjust tabs to window width" that works fine. But when I change panel width (and I mostly would do it to see long file names) tabs are not adjusted. They are however when I switch to Vertical aligment. Would it be possible to make an option to automatically adjust tabs when I change panel width? Or is it already implemented?

Posted: 2009-01-06, 15:31 UTC
by sqa_wizard
Or is it already implemented?
No, but it is not that easy.

Columns other than "Name" have to stay the same (they do have a size you are comfortable with)
If these columns are resized, they get unusable because the significant part of it gets hidden.

This means "Name" only have to be resized.
Would work fine for the panel where the size is growing, but the other panel would have well sized "Date" and "Attr" columns, but a zero size "Name" column :(

The only way to overcome this is a different handling of the panels:
Growing "Name" column for the growing panel and column hiding for the shrinking panel.

Posted: 2009-01-06, 18:24 UTC
by yeellow
Somehow it works when I resize TC window. It could work the same when I change panels' width. One would grow, the other shrink.