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Attribute setting

Posted: 2009-01-08, 23:02 UTC
by MVV
Just imagine. You select a number of files, open attributes window, set attributes (w/plugins) and press OK... And on EACH file w/o write permission you see a question "Attribute not set. Continue? Y/N".

Is it possible to add a choice All to dialog?
"Attribute not set. Continue? Yes/All/No".

Posted: 2009-01-12, 04:18 UTC
by DrShark

I tried to set/unset attributes (and other values via plugins) for files hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys and TC doesn't show any kind of message. TC simply doesn't change these attributes/values.
For remote files (on FTP) TC once shows message
Total Commander
Cannot change attributes of remote files!
Different behaviour if try to set user permissions to few selected files.
Sometimes TC shows dialog
Error setting the following attribute:

Yes No
only once, sometimes - on several files.
I'll try to discover it.
MVV wrote:Continue? Yes/All/No

Posted: 2009-01-12, 09:49 UTC
by MVV
Maybe not all attributes and plugins give such result.
I mean when I set/remove attribute "Compressed" I get this trouble.
Today I've tested plugin "Creation Date" on write-protected files, also asks on every file.
And if you try to set two or more attributes (using plugins), nasty window occurs on every attribute for every file.

So, as I wrote in 1st post, you should set attributes using plugins to see this.