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Posted: 2004-12-26, 14:35 UTC
by Sheepdog



Re: Should F2 become the default for renaming?

Posted: 2005-06-11, 12:02 UTC
by pierpaolo
i think if you wish to made a revolution you have to bring it to the limit
May i suggest to use
F2 for rename
F3 for find
F4 for copy
F5 for refresh
F8 for view
F9 for edit

alt and canc keys are more useful

(peter do not worry! please) :D

(registered user husband)

Re: Should F2 become the default for renaming?

Posted: 2005-06-12, 12:56 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
pierpaolo wrote:i think if you wish to made a revolution you have to bring it to the limit
May i suggest to use
F2 for rename
F3 for find
F4 for copy
F5 for refresh
F8 for view
F9 for edit
No WAY! these are surely WinExplorer Standards and the TotalCommander
is far older than this useless Explorer thing...

btw You know that you can remap rename to F2? :)

Posted: 2005-06-12, 20:59 UTC
by Clas Hortien
Yes, go ahead and change the default for renaming to F2.

And as you changing code anyway :D you can change F1 to Refresh
(who needs the help that often to waste the best key for it ??)

Posted: 2005-06-12, 21:45 UTC
by Sheepdog
Clas Hortien wrote:And as you changing code anyway :D you can change F1 to Refresh
(who needs the help that often to waste the best key for it ??)
:roll: Yeah great, and make [F1] completely diferent to every other program. And the advanced user can change the setting with the Key remapping of TC. :roll:

Sorry Clas Hortien, but this is complete nonsense. If you have had read the thread carefully you would have seen that the question about [F2] is that this is used different to standard Windows hotkey.

And the goal is not to make TC-Hotkeys unique but as expected for the (new) user.

If you like to change the [F1] key to refresh you can do this already with:
Configuration->Options->Misc: Redefine Hotkeys

The desired command is cm_rereadsource.

But to make this by default is in my opinion complete nonsense.


Re: Should F2 become the default for renaming?

Posted: 2005-06-13, 04:16 UTC
by pierpaolo
Sir_SiLvA wrote:
No WAY! these are surely WinExplorer Standards and the TotalCommander
is far older than this useless Explorer thing...

btw You know that you can remap rename to F2? :)

Yes thanks

Before windows commander i've been used norton commander (which windows commander get f5-f6 keys from) so my personal need is to remap explorer not tc; but if you want tc to remain far older than this useless Explorer thing... for a long time, i think it will need continuos developping, like all software programs, and it depends on its diffusion
; dos is dead, maybe tc should be adjusted to explorer.
for example if so or btw keys buttons in the bottom of tc was changeable according to remappig i would buy some license for my company.
Now i can't, difference in explore and tc get in confusion ordinary users.

my best regards

Re: Should F2 become the default for renaming?

Posted: 2005-06-13, 10:16 UTC
by Sheepdog
pierpaolo wrote:for example if so or btw keys buttons in the bottom of tc was changeable according to remappig i would buy some license for my company.
Now i can't, difference in explore and tc get in confusion ordinary users.

my best regards
It is possible to deactivate the display of the funtion keys:

Configuration-> Options-> Layout: Show function key buttons

And then you may adopt your menu like this:

Code: Select all

MENUITEM "|           F3  Anzeigen         |", cm_List
MENUITEM "|            F4 Bearbeiten          |", cm_Edit
MENUITEM "|            F5  Kopieren        |", cm_Copy
MENUITEM "|          F6 Bewegen       |", cm_RenMov
MENUITEM "|          F7 Neur Ordner       |", cm_MkDir
MENUITEM "|          F8  Löschen         ", cm_Delete
MENUITEM "|    ALT+F4 Exit    |", cm_Exit
POPUP "&Dateien"
    MENUITEM "&Dateiattribute ändern...", cm_SetAttrib
    MENUITEM "&Packen...\tALT+F5", cm_PackFiles
    MENUITEM "&Entpacken...\tALT+F9", cm_UnpackFiles
    MENUITEM "&Teste Archiv(e)...\tALT+UMSCH+F9", cm_TestArchive
    MENUITEM "&Vergleich nach Inhalt...", cm_CompareFilesByContent
    MENUITEM "Ver&knüpfen...", cm_Associate
    MENUITEM "Eigen&schaften...\tALT+ENTER", cm_VersionInfo
    MENUITEM "Speicher&bedarf ermitteln...", cm_GetFileSpace
    MENUITEM "&Mehrfach-Umbenenn-Tool...\tSTRG+M", cm_MultiRenameFiles
    MENUITEM "Komme&ntar bearbeiten...\tSTRG+Z", cm_EditComment
    POPUP "Dr&ucken"
        MENUITEM "Datei&liste...", cm_PrintDir
        MENUITEM "Dateiliste mit &Unterverzeichnissen...", cm_printdirsub
        MENUITEM "&Datei-Inhalt\tSTRG+F9", cm_PrintFile
    MENUITEM "Datei &aufspalten...", cm_Split
    MENUITEM "Dateien &zusammenfügen...", cm_Combine
    MENUITEM "Datei &codieren (MIME,UUE,XXE)...", cm_Encode
    MENUITEM "Datei dec&odieren (MIME,UUE,XXE,BinHex)...", cm_Decode
    MENUITEM "Erzeu&ge CRC-Quersummen (im SFV-Format)...", cm_CRCcreate
    MENUITEM "Verifiziere CRC-&Quersummen (aus SFV-Dateien)", cm_CRCcheck
POPUP "&Markieren"
    MENUITEM "&Gruppe markieren...\tNUM +", cm_SpreadSelection
    MENUITEM "Gruppenauswahl &rückgängig...\tNUM -", cm_ShrinkSelection
    MENUITEM "Alle Dateien markieren\tSTRG NUM +", cm_SelectAll
    MENUITEM "Keine Datei markieren\tSTRG NUM -", cm_ClearAll
    MENUITEM "Aus&wahl umkehren\tNUM *", cm_ExchangeSelection
    MENUITEM "Auswahl mer&ken", cm_SaveSelection
    MENUITEM "Auswahl wieder&herstellen\tNUM /", cm_RestoreSelection
    MENUITEM "Auswahl in Datei &speichern", cm_SaveSelectionToFile
    MENUITEM "Auswahl aus Datei &laden", cm_LoadSelectionFromFile
    MENUITEM "&Verzeichnisse vergleichen\tUmsch+F2", cm_CompareDirs
    MENUITEM "Neue &markieren, gleiche verstecken", cm_DirMatch
POPUP "&Befehle"
    MENUITEM "&CD-Verzeichnisbaum...\tALT+F10", cm_CDtree
    MENUITEM "&Suchen...\tALT+F7", cm_SearchFor
    MENUITEM "Daten&träger benennen...", cm_VolumeId
    MENUITEM "System-&Information...", cm_SysInfo
    MENUITEM "Verzeichnisse s&ynchronisieren...", cm_FileSync
    MENUITEM "&Verzeichnisliste\tSTRG+D", cm_DirectoryHotlist
    MENUITEM "&Zurück\tALT+Pfeil links", cm_GotoPreviousDir
    MENUITEM "&DOS starten", cm_ExecuteDOS
    MENUITEM "Zweigansicht (mit &Unterverzeichnissen)\tSTRG+B", cm_DirBranch
    MENUITEM "&Öffne Desktop-Verzeichnis", cm_OpenDesktop
    MENUITEM "Hintergrund-Transfermanager...", cm_OpenTransferManager
    MENUITEM "&Fenster tauschen\tSTRG+U", cm_Exchange
    MENUITEM "Fenster &angleichen", cm_MatchSrc
POPUP "&Netz"
    MENUITEM "Netzlauf&werke verbinden...", cm_NetConnect
    MENUITEM "Netzlaufwerke t&rennen...", cm_NetDisconnect
    MENUITEM "Frei&geben als...", cm_NetShareDir
    MENUITEM "Freigabe &beenden...", cm_NetUnshareDir
    MENUITEM "Zeige administrative Freigaben", cm_AdministerServer
    MENUITEM "FT&P Verbinden...\tSTRG+F", cm_FtpConnect
    MENUITEM "FTP &Neue Verbindung...\tSTRG+N", cm_FtpNew
    MENUITEM "FTP Verbindung tr&ennen\tSTRG+UMSCH+F", cm_FtpDisconnect
    MENUITEM "FTP Verstec&kte Dateien anzeigen", cm_FtpHiddenFiles
    MENUITEM "FTP Dateien aus &Liste herunterladen", cm_ftpdownloadlist
    MENUITEM "P&ORT-Verbindung zu anderem PC...", cm_DirectCableConnect
POPUP "&Ansicht"
    MENUITEM "&Kurz\tSTRG+F1", cm_SrcShort
    MENUITEM "&Lang\tSTRG+F2", cm_SrcLong
    MENUITEM "K&ommentare\tSTRG+Umsch+F2", cm_SrcComments
    MENUITEM "&Verzeichnisbaum\tSTRG+F8", cm_SrcTree
    MENUITEM "S&chnellansicht\tSTRG+Q", cm_SrcQuickview
    MENUITEM "Ve&rtikale Anordnung", cm_VerticalPanels
    MENUITEM "Neuer Ordner-&Tab\tSTRG+T", cm_OpenNewTab
    MENUITEM "&Alles\tSTRG+F10", cm_SrcAllFiles
    MENUITEM "&Programme\tSTRG+F11", cm_SrcExecs
    MENUITEM "*.*", cm_SrcUserSpec
    MENUITEM "&Benutzerdefiniert...\tSTRG+F12", cm_SrcUserDef
    MENUITEM "Nur &markierte Dateien", cm_ShowOnlySelected
    MENUITEM "Nach &Name\tSTRG+F3", cm_SrcByName
    MENUITEM "Nach &Erweiterung\tSTRG+F4", cm_SrcByExt
    MENUITEM "Nach &Datum/Zeit\tSTRG+F5", cm_SrcByDateTime
    MENUITEM "Nach &Grösse\tSTRG+F6", cm_SrcBySize
    MENUITEM "&Unsortiert\tSTRG+F7", cm_SrcUnsorted
    MENUITEM "Ab&steigend sortiert", cm_SrcNegOrder
    MENUITEM "&Quelle neu einlesen\tSTRG+R", cm_RereadSource
POPUP "&Konfigurieren"
    MENUITEM "&Einstellungen...", cm_Config
    MENUITEM "B&uttonbar ändern...", cm_ButtonConfig
    MENUITEM "Einstellungs&dateien direkt ändern...", cm_configChangeIniFiles
    MENUITEM "P&osition speichern", cm_ConfigSavePos
    MENUITEM "Einstellungen &speichern", cm_configSaveSettings
POPUP "&Hilfe"
    MENUITEM "&Index\tF1", cm_HelpIndex
    MENUITEM "&Tastatur", cm_Keyboard
    MENUITEM "&Registrier-Info", cm_Register
    MENUITEM "&Homepage von Totalcmd besuchen", cm_VisitHomepage
    MENUITEM "&Über Total Commander...", cm_About
To get your reassigned function-key descriptions. Of course it is only an example and it fits only for a particular size of the TC window. But maybe this will be good enough for you.


Re: Should F2 become the default for renaming?

Posted: 2005-06-13, 13:03 UTC
by Sir_SiLvA
pierpaolo wrote: ; dos is dead, maybe tc should be adjusted to explorer.
Maybe for YOU - I know some people that still have to work with dos...
And why should TC adjust to something so bad like the explorer?
because most people dont get the rtfm-Rule ? :D
pierpaolo wrote: Now i can't, difference in explore and tc get in confusion ordinary users.
Only for 5 mins - after that they wouldn't wanna use anything else anymore...

Posted: 2005-08-30, 12:56 UTC
by ottodostal
I don't think that any keys should be changed that we are used to. I still make mistakes with ctr+t/crl-m since you made that change!

Posted: 2005-09-07, 03:24 UTC
by Mirek
Ottovi> Ale zase jiní jsou zvyklí na zkratky v Exploreru...

I don't really care about key shortcuts...

Posted: 2005-09-07, 09:36 UTC
by Hacker
Please talk only in the specified forum language.

Hacker (Moderator)

Posted: 2005-09-12, 00:27 UTC
by Mirek
To otto: But others are used to shortcuts in Explorer...

Posted: 2005-10-27, 07:12 UTC
by nilsandrey
I'm in the group voting for the F2 to rename as default, but considering the amount of people saying NO...
There're other problematic features like that?
Could them be grouped in a last optional step? named like "Old features", "Old users defaults"...well I don't really like any of these names.
Another idea is to include a basic configuration Wizard (optional) at the end of the installation/upgrade process where to ask for the top used features. Including here F2 with rename as default :)

Posted: 2005-11-07, 11:18 UTC
by haibinpro
yes,I think use F2 as rename tool would be good .

Posted: 2006-01-25, 14:01 UTC
by MPS
f2 for refreshing would be nice, but i would leave shift+f6 too

how about f12 for refresh then?