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Copy files: Overwrite all older than XX seconds/minutes/h...

Posted: 2009-03-01, 20:27 UTC
by frjd
When i copy files from a USB key to my harddrive the file time on the harddrive is 2 older than the file just copied.

So next time when I want to update the files on the harddrive it copy all again because file that should have same age i 2 second older. I would like to be able to select "Overwrite all older then XX" where XX could be selected like in "Find files" advanced options. Or at least All older than 2 seconds to overcome the FAT / NTSF file time difference.

Posted: 2009-03-02, 07:19 UTC
by Vochomurka
As you can conclude from this thread, even xxcopy can't find time gap between two files - only a file and NOW. Two-second time granularity is considered by xxcopy with the /FT switch (look here).

Re: Copy files: Overwrite all older than XX seconds/minutes/

Posted: 2009-03-03, 18:21 UTC
by Peter
Take a look here:
You can add or reduce times of the files and make an identical file structure on your UBS.
