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[wish] Parent folder by clicking left or right window edge

Posted: 2009-03-25, 15:57 UTC
by yiNXs

Some time ago I've dusted off my old Amiga again, wanting to copy some old modules to my PC. I got to use Directory Opus again, a totalcommander like file manager I used to like a lot. After having copied everything and went back to my PC with total commander, there was one option I just kept missing:

being able to jump to the parent folder by clicking on the left (for left pane) or right (for right pane) window border/edge.

Even though only optimal for full screen use, it makes browsing directories quickly a breeze (for mouse users at least) and once used to it you'd rather not go back.

Hope you'll consider this.


Posted: 2009-03-25, 17:17 UTC
by Hacker

Posted: 2009-03-25, 18:56 UTC
by yiNXs
Thanks for the tip. It seems like a very nice tool. I'll check it out, might even be able to fix it for single click operation.

I still hope this will be considered as part of totalcommander itself though, because I will not be allowed to install this at my work. And that's the place I use total commander the most. TC is a standard tool there.

Besides, I suggested this also because I think it's a functionality that a lot of people would like once they tried it.


Posted: 2009-03-25, 22:19 UTC
by Hacker
I will not be allowed to install this at my work
Well, no need to install - you can either use the standalone ZIP, or you can use the compiler to compile the script into an executable.


Posted: 2009-03-26, 22:54 UTC
by yiNXs
No, I'm sorry, with installing I meant running any non-standard executable. I wish it was that easy to get around the security, these tools scan active programs and regularly all drives for unknown executables and the likes. Shutting them down results in a bigger security incident. But even if I could get around it, I really don't want to do something illegal on my machine there.

I'm allowed (to a degree) to update to newer versions, or install plugins. I wish it was different, but I can understand that this security is necessary.
