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Drag & drop (multiple) files to a printer icon.

Posted: 2009-04-03, 11:52 UTC
by vdggfreak
I might have been overlooking something, but AFAIK, TC does not support "drag & drop" to printer, not from one TC pane to another (e.g. "printers"), nor from the TC window to the printer's shortcut, which I placed on the desktop. Is there any chance that a future version of TC could contain such function? (preferably keeping all actions within TC's window).

Posted: 2009-04-06, 15:48 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
To my knowledge, this works only when the dragged file supports the "printto" verb.

Posted: 2009-04-06, 18:28 UTC
by vdggfreak
Glad you pointed that out, but it was exactly what I meant (e.g. MS Word documents, Visio etc...).

In the meantime I found out that the problem only occurs in Windows 2000.

In XP drag & drop from TC to a printer shortcut on the "real" desktop works perfectly.

To the the same shortcut in TC's other pane, whether the path in the other pane is c:\Documents and Settings\[user_name]\desktop\ or \\Printers and Faxes\ , > no result at all. TC only asks to confirm to copy the file to the other "location". I must admit that I did not try it on Vista yet.