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Browse the internet inside of a pane via IE/Firefox/Opera

Posted: 2009-04-18, 02:48 UTC
by margolis22
The ability to browse the internet inside of a pane via IE/Firefox/Opera would be nice. I would still use the other browsers in the background just re-directed to inside one of the windows.

Posted: 2009-04-18, 03:45 UTC
by fenix_productions
Using external browsers inside TC (even if possible) gives the possibility of having broken functionality after browser's update which might happen at any time. There are more Firefox / Opera updates than TC. Writing own engine is out of question because it takes too much time - TC is a file manager and should focus on features from this area.

On the other hand: it would be better to use IEview WLX plugin.

Posted: 2009-04-19, 16:58 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I don't see a real benefit: One of the two file panels would be just too small for most web pages, which need at least a width of 1024 pixels (or even 1280) to be displayed properly.