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Very small improvement in "Verify CRC" instrument

Posted: 2009-04-18, 15:48 UTC
by Postkutscher
Mr. Ghisler , could you please make that when I am pressing Enter on *.md5 and *.sha files TC checks the hashes even through checksum.wcx is installed ?
The problem now is that TC ignores PK_CAPS_HIDE for *.md5 and *.sha

Posted: 2009-04-19, 17:01 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Try associating checksum.wcx with some other extension, e.g. *.sha1.

Posted: 2009-04-19, 18:47 UTC
by Postkutscher
ghisler(Author) wrote:Try associating checksum.wcx with some other extension, e.g. *.sha1.
It is unacceptable.

1. I want to create *.sha (not *.sha1) files with this plugin because it can make *.sha and *.md5 without brunch view unlike TC. If it will be *.sha1 TC compatibility will be lost.
2. checksum.wcx cannot check filetype (no CanYouHandleThisFile)
3. checksum.wcx checks file extention internally anyway.

Posted: 2009-04-30, 15:39 UTC
by Postkutscher
Thank you for update.
Indeed I thought if you are not answering to me, this feature will be implemented, but it seems that you simply have not noticed my last sentence.
Once again. It is thery nice, that TC has it`s own function for hash checking. I use it also. But I still cannot refuse of checksum.wcx plugin because of two reasons :

1. It makes md5 hash for nested directories simplier than TC (no need to make brunch view)
2. It makes possible to check one file while *.md5 contains hashes for 10-100-1000 files. Let imagine for example hashes of 3 DVD-images in 1 my_dvd_images.md5 file. I can check only 1 or 2 DVD images and save my time. This can be done only with plugin, not with TC.

Your recomendation to change extention breaks compatibility of TC and plugin and is unrealizable because checksum.wcx checks the extention of file but does not check it`s content. I could edit it`s sources to eliminate extention check ( I have already worked on this plugin when I`v made WCX interface 2.12 support for handling >4GB files ) , but this is soooo bad, so weird workaround. Could you please solve it by natural elegant way? I assume this is not so difficult for you. Just make TC reacting on enter for *.md5 and *.sha. It must be such as commenting some part of your code which directs these files to plugin, I assume.
Please :roll: :oops:

Posted: 2009-04-30, 15:51 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Unfortunately I don't currently have any solution for this problem - when the plugin is assigned to md5 and sha, TC will of course call the plugin and not handle the formats internally...

Posted: 2009-04-30, 15:55 UTC
by Postkutscher
But TC could associate md5 and sha1 extentions to himself internally. It has now so wonderful internal association system :)

This must work when PK_CAPS_HIDE is set for plugin (it is the case by me).

Posted: 2009-04-30, 16:08 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Hmm, I will check that.

Posted: 2009-05-14, 19:46 UTC
by Postkutscher
I don`t see any improvement here. Seems to be unchanged. :?

Posted: 2009-05-28, 21:08 UTC
by Postkutscher
Great! All works as expected. I`m happy now :)
Thank you! Thank you!!

Posted: 2009-05-29, 15:17 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Thanks for suggesting it!