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Make new option "Show as menu" more usable

Posted: 2009-04-20, 08:44 UTC
by Matthias030
The ability to use pull down menus in menu bar is a great new feature. Until now I was using the tool "TC menu" for realising this.

Now I want to place a submenu into a menu in the way, that the submenu is shown with a small triangle an expanded by mouse hovering.

For illustrating I made a screenshot of my Menu Bar realised by TC Menu.

Also the ability to use dividers with describing text to organize the submenus would be fine.

Posted: 2009-04-20, 11:40 UTC
by fenix_productions
It's not currently possible but has been proposed in private beta. I hope we'll see it one day :)

Posted: 2009-04-20, 14:31 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
You can have submenus within the button bar menu, but they will open as individual menus. The reason for that it that a button can point recursively to itself, which would make it very difficult to handle such infinitely nested menus.

Posted: 2009-04-20, 18:56 UTC
by jjk
Matthias030 said :
The ability to use pull down menus in menu bar is a great new feature.
I saw nowhere that new feature. Where do I find it in the help file ? How to use it ?
Thanks in advance.

Help and Tuto…

Posted: 2009-04-20, 20:06 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• That's shortly described in the Help >> Configuration >> Button bar >>
Dialogue to change the button bar >> [×] Show as Menu.

- You may get some details from the Tutorial, just click the link in my signature, download and install the CHM document >>
Click a numbered button on the Interface image (at right) and scroll the page… ;)
- It isn't online directly yet, this will come soon…

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-04-20, 20:16 UTC
by Vansumsen
:arrow: All

I just uploaded the Tuto @
That might work online too now !


Very soon !

Posted: 2009-04-20, 20:38 UTC
by Clo
:arrow: Vansumsen

:) Hello Paul !

Ah ! Thanks ! It's really very soon ! :D

:arrow: All

- BTW :   That's only a “first juice” of the updated Tuto, we will have to check and complete it again,
so don't wonder whether some new items are missing (i.e. in the INC file chapter).

:mrgreen: KR¦Friendly,

Posted: 2009-04-21, 07:07 UTC
by jjk
2 Clo and Vansumsen
Thank to you both.
I will try that ASAP.

Posted: 2009-04-21, 11:43 UTC
by ND
ghisler(Author) wrote:You can have submenus within the button bar menu, but they will open as individual menus.
Such is also the behavior of TC Menu, so no problem there.
Matthias030 wrote:Now I want to place a submenu into a menu in the way, that the submenu is shown with a small triangle an expanded by mouse hovering.
I would also prefer to have the little arrow-thing as suggested, even when opening a separate/individual menu.

If this is not possible for whatever reason (e.g. menuitem cannot be drawn by Windows with arrow-thing like a menu), there was a workaround which I used also in TC Menu: append to the menuitem name the chars Tab-SquareBrace-GreaterThan ("]>" will be right-aligned and looks close enough to the arrow-thing for me).

Unfortunatelly, TC does not display anything after the Tab character (ASCII code 09), and I even tried using \t instead (which might be a better implementation since it's conform with MNU syntax), but no luck. Currently I'm using a bunch of spaces to right-align the pseudo-arrow, but I cannot get it to be truly right-aligned (there's always some space left until the menu's right-border, I guess for displaying a hotkey?).

Maybe I should report the tab-char-code problem in the bugs section...

Posted: 2009-04-21, 13:11 UTC
by Matthias030
ghisler(Author) wrote:You can have submenus within the button bar menu, but they will open as individual menus. The reason for that it that a button can point recursively to itself, which would make it very difficult to handle such infinitely nested menus.
I hope i understand you correctly. But why not to forbid a button to recursively point to itself? I don't know for what this behaviour is good for. If you add a button into to call another bar (, you can check if the filenames are equal or not. Are the menubars identically then TC gives a message, that this operation is not allowed.

Then we would profit from buttonbars which can arranged with a tree-structure and there would be no longer use for "TC Menu".

Posted: 2009-04-26, 12:28 UTC
by jjk
2 Clo and Vansumsen
Thank you for your tutos. I had some pain to find how to add a menu button, but finally I found it in your tutos.

Updated again---

Posted: 2009-04-26, 16:49 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• Glad to hear that it helped you !
- During these last days, we have updated the Tutos again, hunting lacunaæ and typos… :D
- It's already available @ download, and “online” too soon (probably tonight or tomorrow…).
- Actually, we can add such details, tips, remaks and so on (and many images) because we don't care about the size.
- However, it's getting very big, so we have to find out a solution for future TC major versions… :roll:

:mrgreen: KR