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Ext column is removeable in Custom Column dialog

Posted: 2009-04-28, 10:45 UTC
by KucingLapar
I dont have a need for Extension column as I using my own custom columns and display ext right after filename. I would like to request that the extension column can be removed in the custom columns configure dialog to give more spaces for other colums

Posted: 2009-04-28, 11:41 UTC
by ouzoWTF
Although I dont use this setting, support +1

Posted: 2009-04-28, 12:46 UTC
by fenix_productions

This will show extension right after file name:

Configuration -> Tabstops -> Show file extension -> Directly after file name

You can also edit WCMD_ENG.LNG file and change 1140="Name\nExt\nSize\nDate\nAttr" to 1140="Name\n\nSize\nDate\nAttr"

Mentioned column will not disappear but will be less noticeable :)

Posted: 2009-04-28, 23:12 UTC
by KucingLapar

Thanks but i didn't not ask for workaround to get rid of the ext column but giving suggestion to make the column is remove able in the custom column dialog. :p