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Store thumbnails in / for archives

Posted: 2009-05-01, 09:25 UTC
by Lefteous
Unfortunately TC would have to extract all the files just to get their thumbnails...
Would be great to have a mechanism that stores thumbnails inside archives. Maybe there is already a standard for that. Not easy to add though...
[mod]Thread split from Show thumbnails in zip files.

Hacker (Moderator)[/mod]

Posted: 2009-05-01, 10:56 UTC
by Samuel
I would not want to have an internal Thumbnail archive. (Im also against theese Thumb.db files)

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:02 UTC
by Lefteous
would not want to have an internal Thumbnail archive. (Im also against theese Thumb.db files)
I also don't like these thumb.db files but what's the problem with thumbnails inside an archive?

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:08 UTC
by Samuel
As far as I could think, (not so far :D ) this store mechanism would depend on some additional files packed with the other files. So a file with the function of Thumb.db would be needed.

Beside this I want to see thumbs in zips especially when this zips are extern. (I didnt created them with TC)

Hope this makes it clear. :D

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:17 UTC
by Lefteous
My suggestions is more a supplement than a replacement to yours.

TC already displays a file in archive in quick view. The next step could be to load thumbnails on demand.

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:23 UTC
by fenix_productions
Support++ for thumbs from archives.

I can't agree with their storage inside archives because it would require additional repacking.

How could they be stored? As TC's db or additional *tb.* files? In both case there would be a problem with deleting files inside ZIP. It could take more time.

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:28 UTC
by Lefteous
How could they be stored?
PNGs or JPGs

Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:41 UTC
by Hacker
Well, why not store them inside TC internal thumbnail database? This would not touch the archive and work as long as the file is handled on the same computer (with TC).


Posted: 2009-05-01, 11:42 UTC
by fenix_productions
I am against this aproach because TC should pack such thumbnails for each file in every directory I was browsing in thumb view mode. It wouldn't be so bad for small archives but for bigger ones it could choke my PC definitely.

We should also remember about files naming. There is no one correct way for making thumbnails. What TC should do in the case when file already exists?Replace it or skip? What will it do when I delete corresponding "full file"? Either TC will store somewhere an information about archives state before viewing or remove thumb right away. Both scenarios are bad IMHO. First because of additional resources used, second - "where are my files" issue.

We should also think about different archives types. Only ZIP can be packed in background. Other cases would require TC's window unusability for repacking operation. Giving such feture for ZIPs only could be seen crippled.

As I've wrote already: thumbnails view is OK for me (they are stored in internal TC's db), thumbnails storage inside archives - is "no no".