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Sizeable input box for command line parameters

Posted: 2009-05-03, 18:48 UTC
by jb
The input box for the command line parameters (appearing when '?' is used as first parameter) is often too narrow and still not sizeable with TotalCommander 7.5 public beta 2.
Already two modestly long paths do not fit in.
For example I'm using a script that Total Commander invokes with the following parameters:

? %P%N "%T%%COMPUTERNAME%%.%N.export_modified" /u

The '?' pops up the input box with the expanded command line arguments.
Normally the default arguments are OK and I just need to hit the ENTER key.
However sometimes I would like to verify or tweak the arguments and the problem is that usually I cannot see all arguments, but only the right part.
To see the left part I have to press the HOME key.
In the worst case I even have to rest on the LEFT or RIGHT arrow key to make the middle part visible.

So it would be a nice little feature if the width of the input box (and correspondingly the width of the enclosed editable text box) was sizable and memorized in the ini-file.

Posted: 2009-05-03, 19:39 UTC
by fenix_productions

I could swear I saw such request before but I can't find it now.

Posted: 2009-05-03, 21:57 UTC
by jb
I searched for it before I created the topic, but couldn't find it either.