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proposal to the "Internal Associations" placement

Posted: 2009-05-04, 11:33 UTC
by Postkutscher
I think it`s a good idea to place "Internal Associations" not only in the main menu as cm_InternalAssociate, but also in the "Options" dialog. It can be a button on the Misc. page (as for plugins at the plugins page), or a new separate page.
Reason : Internal Associations belongs more to main config, than to the every day menu command , so it is more intuitively to search it in "options". In addition when user configures new installed TC in a measured thred he can forget, overlook this option and even when he knows where is it to find, there is an excess movement : "close option dialog and go to menu".

Posted: 2009-05-04, 15:09 UTC
by fenix_productions

Even if we know that there are no "standard Associations" there.

Personally I think future TC 8 should focus on more UI improvements (like Options redesign and corrections). For now it can be done with few little steps.

Posted: 2009-05-04, 15:20 UTC
by m^2
Personally I think that TC 8 should focus on better support for one feature that's standard since Windows 95: multitasking.


Posted: 2009-05-04, 16:08 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• In order to pay more attention to the new feature, in my custom *.MNUs I've set the Association items
in the Files Menu as a sub-menu like :

POPUP "&Associate With :"
MENUITEM "&Windows Association…", cm_associate
MENUITEM "&Total Commander internal Association only…", cm_InternalAssociate
- This was suggested during the beta-test by another tester and I, but not considered…
• Nothing against this in the Options, though…
- However, that should "lock" the choice and be less flexible than (more appealing) menu-items as shown above…

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-05-04, 16:11 UTC
by Boofo
That is how mine is, too. I am using one of the extra menu files someone did.

Re: Sub-menu----

Posted: 2009-05-04, 16:18 UTC
by m^2
Clo wrote:2Postkutscher

:) Hello !

• In order to pay more attention to the new feature, in my custom *.MNUs I've set the Association items
in the Files Menu as a sub-menu like :

POPUP "&Associate With :"
MENUITEM "&Windows Association…", cm_associate
MENUITEM "&Total Commander internal Association only…", cm_InternalAssociate
- This was suggested during the beta-test by another tester and I, but not considered…
• Nothing against this in the Options, though…
- However, that should "lock" the choice and be less flexible than (more appealing) menu-items as shown above…

:mrgreen: KR
I use this too, but to really work well it requires fixing too:

Code: Select all


Which icons ?

Posted: 2009-05-04, 16:45 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• Well, I don't show icons in the menus, for some personal reasons
(can't set my own ones easily, please search in the beta-forum… ;) )
- But for those who use them, you are indeed right, the icon library might offer the appropriate ones for such a menu layout…

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-05-04, 16:58 UTC
by Postkutscher
Ok, one can make his own menus how it likes. As for me, I always personalize my menus myself and would drop both associations (Windows and TC`s) from menu as low-activity data after having it completely configured.

My proposal is about the default layout.