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Quick Search & Quick Filter

Posted: 2009-05-06, 14:08 UTC
by Postkutscher
So looks option dialog now, it is sufficienty wide.

Code: Select all

Quick Search (Current Dir)

O Ctrl+Alt+Letters
O Alt+Letters
x Letters only
O Letters with search dialog
O Disabled
So can it look, if mr. Ghisler will consider this suggestion.

Code: Select all

Quick Search (Current Dir)            Quick Filter (Current Dir)

O Ctrl+Alt+Letters                    O Ctrl+Alt+Letters
O Alt+Letters                         x Alt+Letters
x Letters only                        O Letters only      
O Letters with search dialog          O Letters with filter dialog 
O Disabled                            O Disabled
I think it is more flexible and comfortable than hardcoded ctrl+s.

Posted: 2009-05-06, 14:40 UTC
by fenix_productions
I think it's too much for average users because they might not understand where is the difference. Your solution could mislead them telling that there are two separate features (not one with two types of behaviour).

Also I wonder what would happen if you chose same option twice?

Posted: 2009-05-06, 14:52 UTC
by Postkutscher
A messagebox should appear "You cannot use the same condition to start both features simultaneously, please change one of the conditions. [OK]". Or better they can be binded with simple logic as it is now when you are selecting creation of sfv,md5,sha checksums.

btw. I am not agree with you. These are really different features although they can be used for similar mission, but based on this similarity they should be groupped as it is shown. I see no problem here.

Posted: 2009-05-06, 15:27 UTC
by fenix_productions
Sorry for being hostile ;)

I understand that some automation would be nice but I am still thinking it's overcomplicated. Hard-coded solution is not the best one but it's harder to get something better than this.
Postkutscher wrote:2fenix_productions
A messagebox should appear "You cannot use the same condition to start both features simultaneously, please change one of the conditions. [OK]". Or better they can be binded with simple logic as it is now when you are selecting creation of sfv,md5,sha checksums.
We can also grey out (disable) opposite option but next question appears: what about other options which intercepts themselves ("Letters only" and "Letters with filter dialog" chosen together). That would either mean need for additional "prioritizing" option or disabling more of them. I afraid that following that thought we could end up with complicated setup for something not much better than current solution.

Re: Quick Search & Quick Filter

Posted: 2009-05-06, 16:04 UTC
by Postkutscher

Code: Select all

Quick Search(QS) & Quick Filter(QF,with dialog) within current directory 

O QS Alt+Letters         QF Ctrl+S
O QS Ctrl+Alt+Letters    QF Ctrl+S               
O QS Ctrl+Alt+Letters    QF Alt+Letters               
O QS Alt+Letters         QF Ctrl+Alt+Letters                      
O QS Letters only        QF Ctrl+Alt+Letters     
x QS Letters only        QF Alt+Letters   
O QS Letters only        QF Ctrl+S                  
O Disabled
Ok. How about this? It`s simple :!:

Posted: 2009-05-06, 16:24 UTC
by fenix_productions
I'll rest my case (you killed me) and simply use Ctrl+S ;)

Posted: 2009-05-06, 21:39 UTC
by jjk
Despite of fenix_productions' remarks, I like the proposal of Postkutscher.
I don''t know currently how to avoid the misunderstanding by novices, but for me I'd like type Alt-letter instead of Ctrl-S + letter

Posted: 2009-05-06, 21:50 UTC
by sqa_wizard
and simply use Ctrl+S
I fully agree : Quick Search has different modes, Quick Filter has 1 only

... 1 function 1 shortcut, no need to change anything, just keep it simple !

Posted: 2009-05-06, 22:36 UTC
by fenix_productions
jjk wrote:I don''t know currently how to avoid the misunderstanding by novices, but for me I'd like type Alt-letter instead of Ctrl-S + letter
You don't need Ctrl+S if you set QuickSearchAutoFilter=2 in your windcm.ini.

Posted: 2009-05-07, 06:56 UTC
by jjk
You don't need Ctrl+S if you set QuickSearchAutoFilter=2 in your windcm.ini.
Yes I know it. But I want, in the same session, sometimes have QSF on, sometimes off. So I like :
- letter for QS no filter
- Alt letter for QS filter
It would be very simple. No Ctrl-S, but at any time I know what I do.
Of course, no defiance against anyone here.
What I mean is it would be good to have this extra option.
Best regards

Posted: 2009-05-07, 07:00 UTC
by ouzoWTF
I would like to see that too.

Posted: 2009-05-07, 16:00 UTC
by Postkutscher
I can`t understand your opposition, so far it is not suggested to break existing functionality. As for me, ctrl+s can stay "unoffable", but this hardcoded hotkey is insufficient and must be complemented as it was suggested above or at least with a new internal command, which can be redefined then. The point is, as jjk said, that both methods (goto and filter) can be used in the same session in a merited way and without changing of configuration.

Posted: 2009-05-07, 16:10 UTC
by fenix_productions
My "opposition" is just not to make thing more complicated than it's needed.

I know that some people could understand it easily but I think that most of average users will be lost.

Posted: 2009-05-07, 16:22 UTC
by Postkutscher
Well, if someone cannot understand one radiobutton block, which is indeed already there, just a little shorter, he will use the default setting, it might be sufficient for him.

Are you really think, that one another "hidden" key in wincmd.ini would be better? If so, I could satisfy with it ;) , but it looks like open to criticism solution.

Posted: 2009-05-07, 16:40 UTC
by fenix_productions
It's not just "one radio button block". It is always easier to explain that you have QuickSearch which can filter files than saying that you have two different features, with different names which looks and behave almost the same.

Although if it would be presented as hidden INI option it could be OK.

BTW I can't get from my mind strange thought that it would be discussed in the same way if someone ask for similar feature for copying files (explorer vs. TC method).