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Open Win Palette Buttons…

Posted: 2009-05-07, 07:25 UTC
by Clo
:arrow: ghisler(Author)

:) Good morning,

• Just a suggestion in order to improve the GUI in the “Colours” options page.
Currently, the [>>] «Open the Win palette» buttons are neither very meaningful, nor nice.
- Moreover, at first glance none indication is shown about that they do (i.e. an info-text).

- So, I thought that a pattern on these buttons could be useful, for instance like on THIS SMALL MOCK-UP.
- The upper pattern (21²) can fit on the current button, while the lower one is a bit larger (button as 24²).
There is room enough, though, see the limit…

- Aside, still the oooooold bug with this palette : The customized colours already defined are lost.
It's possible to save them, this has been done in several softs I've to deal with…

:mrgreen: VG

Posted: 2009-05-07, 08:25 UTC
by MVV
It is not bug. It is just a lack of a feature. To preserve custom colours we need to keep always custom pallette (16*4 bytes) in memory and to add a line in wincmd.ini with custom colours (16*8 hex digits).

From Win32 Help:


CHOOSECOLOR.lpCustColors - Pointer to an array of 16 COLORREF values that contain red, green, blue (RGB) values for the custom color boxes in the dialog box. If the user modifies these colors, the system updates the array with the new RGB values. To preserve new custom colors between calls to the ChooseColor function, you should allocate static memory for the array


Posted: 2009-05-07, 16:10 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• I know that. But when a user opens this palette in the configuration of Win itself, the custom colours are saved.
- So, comparing the two behaviours, s¦he considers that as a bug - and I agree-
the internal “cooking” of the programme isn't his¦her business… :P

• Ages ago, the author of UniView gave me that BASIC CODE from which the colours have been saved in XnView
(needed a few years…) and in GFIE (done within one week…) :D
- How to save this in TC is an additional issue… A section in the INI (can be redirected into a special INI file) or whatever…
• Finally, that's just an aside, the topic is to change the look of the buttons:wink:

:mrgreen: KR

Posted: 2009-05-07, 19:57 UTC
by Vansumsen
:arrow: Clo

Nice idea, I support +++


Posted: 2009-05-11, 04:58 UTC
by MVV
Clo, I don't know what do you mean by "Win itself", but for example Paint and desktop colours dialog keep custom colours only until close application.

About buttons - current buttons look quite good - I do not see a reason to add any pictures onto it and to increase TOTALCMD.exe's size.

I suggest to remove buttons ">>" at all and to add last line "custom" to colours listbox - it is more usual approach. And to fill background of "custom" string with last selected custom colour.

Plz read straight

Posted: 2009-05-11, 05:23 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello !

• I wrote : “in the configuration of Win itself…” i.e. when you change a theme, the colours are kept sine die.

• With the font I'm bound to use in French (narrow, because the strings lengths), the >> look ugly to me.

- And I would prefer always a coloured bitmap on buttons, TC is really poor at them…

:mrgreen: KR