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Timer and negative values for BreadcrumbDelayButton

Posted: 2009-05-08, 15:34 UTC
by Sombra
I'm testing a different way for works with breadcrum. If there is a negative value for "BreadcrumbDelayButton", in this case, the menu is shown directly (without a necessary click in button).
These are the settings I'm using now for test:

Code: Select all

As you can see in this case, menu is shown after 300 ms when mouse is over the current dir header.

The main problem is when I do click in a low directory and mouse is over current dir (still). The timer is NOT restarted, then after one click, TC change to a directory and the dropdown menu for breadcrumb is shown too. Many times I have not the enough time for move the mouse out of the current dir header for prevent this behaviour.

For test it, you can change the key "BreadcrumbDelayButton" to -5000. (for simulate a slowmotion)
  • Go to a driectory c:\DIR1\dir2\dir3\*.*
  • Take a "stopwatch" in your hand :mrgreen:
  • Put the mouse over Dir1.
  • Wait for 4 seconds.
  • Now, press over "dir1" for change to directory in panel.
  • Remain the mouse one second more over dir1.
Popup menu appears after ONE second.

As suggestion: Could be changed this behaviour for restart the timer after one click?
Or maybe... I don't know that would be better; previous suggestion or Stop the timer until mouse is out of the current directory.

Posted: 2009-05-08, 16:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I will consider it. Maybe the timer should be stopped altogether when the user clicks?

Posted: 2009-05-08, 17:35 UTC
by Sombra
Hmm... Perhaps different opinions from users should be taken into account.
IMHO restart the timer after a click in breadcrumb would be better.
For example if the user decide change to another directory, then he should move the mouse out of the current directory and back again for show the dropdown for a different folder.

Posted: 2009-05-08, 17:41 UTC
by Lefteous
I'm not sure if there is really a huge difference between mouse press, then stop the timer and mouse click and then stop the timer (current behavior). It's worth a try though.

Posted: 2009-05-10, 15:22 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
For now I have changed it like this: When the user clicks on the path part while the dropdown isn't open yet, the timer will be re-started, but with an extra 1 second delay until it opens again. This way the user has more than enough time to move away from the path.

Posted: 2009-05-15, 10:20 UTC
by Sombra
history.txt wrote:10.05.09 Fixed: Breadcrumb bar, BreadcrumbDelayButton<0: When user clicks on a path part, wait 1 second longer until opening the dropdown menu of that path to give user the chance to move the mouse cursor away
Seems works quite well with this new method. Thanks :)

Posted: 2009-05-15, 16:27 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Nice to hear that! Please let me know if you encounter any similar problems.