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BreadCrumbMaxWidth improvement

Posted: 2009-05-14, 20:13 UTC
by Mikefield
Thanks to announce 7.50pb3 Christian! For the new BreadCrumbMaxWidth I have some suggestions:
1st: Is it possible to handle it more flexible? When the directory names are shorter then BreadCrumbMaxWidth,
please make it also shorter in the Breadcrumb dropdown list. e.g. max directory name length in the dropdown
list + 25 pixel or so.
2nd: Please add "Show directroryname in breadcrumb dropdown list as tooltip if truncated"


Posted: 2009-05-14, 21:19 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
1st: Sorry, I don't understand. What do I need to make smaller?

2nd: This was suggested also in the private beta forum, and it's on my to do list now.

Posted: 2009-05-15, 07:31 UTC
by Mikefield
This means to handle the BreadCrumbMaxWidth in a dynamic range. If the BreadCrumbMaxWidth is set to 150, it has a fixed with of min 100 Pixel. But when in a dropdown list have only entries with 3 - 5 letters, there will be a lot of unused space. So in this case, you can make the BreadCrumbWidth smaller e. g. 5 letters + 15 pixel.

Code: Select all

Fixed With:
[directory1           ]
[directory2           ]
sub                   [subdirectory3        ]
sub                   [subdirectory4        ]
sub sub                                     [dir5                 ]
sub sub                                     [dir6                 ]

Dynamic Width:
[directory1  ]
[directory2  ]
sub          [subdirectory3  ]
sub          [subdirectory4  ]
sub sub                      [dir5  ]
sub sub                      [dir6  ]


Posted: 2009-05-15, 09:21 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Hmm, the min width was there already before the addition of BreadCrumbMaxWidth - the idea is that you need some space to move the mouse, especially with the separate zones for clicking and expanding subdirs...

Posted: 2009-05-15, 09:49 UTC
by Mikefield
Thats the reason to have additional 15 pixels or so after the longest directory name in the drop down list. But overall not more as BreadCrumbMaxWidth.
