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TC startup folders

Posted: 2009-05-17, 18:22 UTC
by Mikefield
I have some folder tabs activated, all tabs are locked. I want, to save only the last-used directory independend from the folder tabs.
All tabs should remember their folders, all tabs are locked here, they are used as "directory hotlist"
Don't save the last-used directory in the active tab - it's locked

For excample:
The last used directory is D:\Util\Viewer\WinCmd, there is no tab on it.
Now I made some changes in the wincmd.ini in that directory and restart TC.
But TC restart in the last used tab folder instead of the last used directory D:\Util\Viewer\WinCmd.
That's what I want, as an ini option, so I'm sure that not all user have the same necessity.


Add: If possible, it should be combined with an internal restart command,
please see the thread Reload ini files without restart TC this would be quite enough.