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Lister: next / previous on all files if no selection

Posted: 2009-05-26, 11:31 UTC
by toshniba
if no files selected and one file is viewed in lister you should be able to navigate thru all files (as you have selected all before). atm there is no navigation on pressing n or p

Posted: 2009-05-26, 11:48 UTC
by fenix_productions
I am sorry I do not understand this request.

If you select nothing, there will be nothing to choose from (for next/previous). It seems logical for me. When I want to viiew all files I just use Ctrl+A (to select them) before F3.

Posted: 2009-05-26, 12:27 UTC
by toshniba
that is what i mean. i use this very often and it would be very nice if i could avoid ctrl+a in future. i mean this is worth the 3 additional lines of code :)

Posted: 2009-05-26, 13:18 UTC
by ouzoWTF
It's not logical for me to load all files, if no files are selected.

Posted: 2009-05-26, 13:32 UTC
by Lev
I often view file in the Lister while editing it in the same time in some editor. I use N or P to refresh the viewed file after saving it. I don't want to see another non-selected file. Possibly some "Refresh" button can make me remind.

Posted: 2009-05-26, 13:54 UTC
by fenix_productions
As ouzoWTF said: it is not logical, so I am againt such move.

Hitting F2 in Lister calls "Reload file" function which, I suppose, works as you'd like to.

Re: Lister: next / previous on all files if no selection

Posted: 2009-05-26, 14:43 UTC
by Postkutscher
toshniba wrote:if no files selected and one file is viewed in lister you should be able to navigate thru all files (as you have selected all before). atm there is no navigation on pressing n or p
Absolutely not needed. I`m against.

Posted: 2009-05-26, 16:56 UTC
by roentgen
You mean that I everytime I hit N or P with no selection I've been illogical? Hehe... It's the way most image viewers work anyway.

Besides, it would not take away something from TC. You shouldn't press N if you didn't select something, right? If you press N than it's a hidden desire for this illogical feature ;)

Just a comment about the illogical comments about logic in here, I couldn't care less if it's one way or the other...

Posted: 2009-05-26, 17:28 UTC
by fenix_productions
Looks like I wrote my opinion using bad words.

I know that many image viewers work this way but their behaviour is a little bit different from Lister. Most of viewers I had worked with had no possibility to cycle between selected group of files only (but were giving folders browsing instead). Lister has opposite approach IMHO. You have N/P if it's called for many files. Current solution seems to be somehow more logical for me: you can see only selected / focused files and nothing more, although you still have the possibility to see all of them if you want to.

It might be OK as optional feature but I'd rather like to see Christian spending some time to implement N/P for cm_ListInternalOnly first.

Posted: 2009-05-27, 03:38 UTC
by MVV
toshniba wrote:that is what i mean. i use this very often and it would be very nice if i could avoid ctrl+a in future. i mean this is worth the 3 additional lines of code :)
I think it will be more than 3 lines of code...
And just press Num* instead of Ctrl+A - it is easier. :)

Posted: 2009-06-02, 11:24 UTC
by Lev
Hitting F2 in Lister calls "Reload file" function which, I suppose, works as you'd like to.
Thanks. Never knew about this shortcut, and as I see most of lister plugins authors never knew it too, so F2 is not passed by most of plugins to TC and the refreshment does not happen.

Posted: 2009-06-02, 18:51 UTC
by StatusQuo
For pictures: SGViewer plugin supports the requested feature using cursor keys left/right (when the picture is shown full-screen, so there is nothing to scroll).

Very nice, if you get used to it: n/p moves between selected files (TC's function), left/right moves to the next file in alphabetical order (SGViewer's function; no matter what is selected or how it's sorted).

Posted: 2009-06-02, 19:29 UTC
by Vochomurka
1. Open quick view panel (Ctrl+Q);
2. Switch to it (Tab);
3. Press "p" or "n" keys. The cursor (though invisible) navigates to the previous/next file respectively. Moreover, when you press Tab again, you see the cursor exactly on a file currently viewed.