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Ability to drag 'n' drop UNC listed files from listbox

Posted: 2009-05-28, 14:26 UTC
by zorro23
When I search for some files (Alt+F7) on network path, and after that I select "Feed to listbox", I mark those files and I want to drag 'n' drop them on some open application, Total Commander does not let me do it.
On the other side, I can drag 'n' drop files if the search was performed on local disks or on mapped network disk

1. example (search on network path) - this search result CAN NOT be drag 'n' dropped on open application:

2. example (search on local or mapped disk) - this search result can be drag 'n' dropped to open application (ex. Photoshop):

(note: jpg files are just examples, it is the same for other type of files / programs)

Is there way this could be fixed in 7.5 so we can drag 'n' drop files with UNC path?

Posted: 2009-05-28, 15:57 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No there isn't, sorry. The problem is that the function to build the list of files for the OLE2 drag&drop operation doesn't work with multiple files from various servers - at least I couldn't make it work.

Posted: 2009-05-29, 09:19 UTC
by MVV
I think the only way to make it working - to copy external files to temp folder and to drop theese temp files. But user should know how drag-and-drop works because such action could take a long time.

Posted: 2009-05-29, 11:36 UTC
by zorro23
That doesn't do it for me.
The thing that I want is to able to drag and drop this files on an already opened application (Photoshop), than to do a little editing on this files and then when I save them they are automaticly saved on original locations (paths).
If I copy them to one temp folder, then after editing I would have to copy each one back in their separate paths which is a bit of waste of time (I usually have 100+ files within 30+ different folders for this kind of task).

So far the alternative is not to use TC for this but ordinary Windows Search function which is giving me this kind of list with UNC names and does let me to drag'n'drop them on an open application.

Posted: 2009-05-29, 11:54 UTC
by MVV
Hmm, internal Windows Search function lets drag-and-drop set of search results to other apps... but TC don't let do this for network paths...

Will just passing UNC names as filenames work? I see, Windows Search just passes UNC names as filename while dragging. So, when I drop a file onto my app's window, I see filename like '\\host\folder\file.ext'.

So, we can just pass filenames as they showed in listbox - and all should work. Or the problem somewhere in other point?