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Copy path with name to CLI in FTP & uppercase

Posted: 2009-06-14, 21:35 UTC
by Sombra
I am using this configuration in wincmd.ini with the next steps:

- Open a FTP Connection.
- Set the cursor over a file.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+Enter for add URL with name to CommandLine.

The url copied to the commandline appears with the first character in capital letter.
i.e.: Ftp://

IMHO, the above wrote is a minor issue, but... Perhaps could be changed for copy url's as they are. Without take into account the parameter "DrivesExportUpcase". Currently Ctrl+P, already copy the path to commandline with the initial in lowercase. In this way, the commands for Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+Enter would work homogeneously.

P.S.: 2Moderators: Posted as suggestion (little minor issue), but feel free for move to bug reports section if it is applicable.

Not here…

Posted: 2009-06-14, 21:47 UTC
by Clo

:) Hello J. M. !

• Hm… I have the same settings about the case, and I pasted this url onto the command line :

Code: Select all
- It isn't changed, the “h” is still lowercase as it should…

• Did I miss something ?

:mrgreen: KR
Note: I fixed your title to make it clear, please keep the fixed one…

Posted: 2009-06-14, 22:06 UTC
by Sombra
Hello Claude :)

I didn't reference to paste the URL from clipboard, but for copy path+name of the current selected file in panel to CLI.
Try to connect to a FTP server with TC, then select a file listed in your FTP server, now press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

On my case, the first char in command line is in uppercase. :?

Posted: 2009-06-14, 23:36 UTC
by petermad
Perhaps could be changed for copy url's as they are. Without take into account the parameter "DrivesExportUpcase". Currently Ctrl+P, already copy the path to commandline with the initial in lowercase. In this way, the commands for Ctrl+P and Ctrl+Shift+Enter would work homogeneously.
I agree - Support++

Posted: 2009-06-15, 13:20 UTC
by Sombra
A bit of info more...
Connecting to a SSL server with TC, the path+name (full url) copied to command line with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER, appears with the first character in Uppercase too. Ftps://blabla.etc

Perhaps... Also all name protocols (ftp, sftp, ftps...) could be added to commandline with the initial in lower-case.

Posted: 2009-06-17, 04:26 UTC
by MVV
I think it is more bug than feature :) I agree that first letter should be in lower-case in 'ftp://' and so on.

Another trouble - I think in the filenames from FTP spaces should be replaced by '%20' while copying path or adding to cmdline.