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Consolidate a Custom Multi Dir list To Display.

Posted: 2009-06-16, 19:56 UTC
by bloodlust8
Create a shortcut to display a list of all the files for a predefined list of directories. Would be nice even if you dont include an option of getting all files for there sub directories. Not via Search(alt F7)

The idea behind this is that I have a laptop with 4 relatively huge drives(3 external, 2 * 512gb) which are mostly connected all the time via usb. I have audio sample files (in wav so there huge) throughout all the drives. So I would have a list of files in the "C:\audio\guitar\bass" Dir also in "E:\audio\guitar\bass" and in "F:\audio\drums\ShortBt". What I would like to have is a option to call a Custom Item (with all 3 directories mentioned) either via the Drive drop down box, internal tc code or preferably via Ctrl+D and will display all the files of the 3 Dir's.

This will save alot of flipping around drives time for me.

Thanx in advance