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Add internal associations for folders

Posted: 2009-06-25, 07:20 UTC
by eugensyl
As I said, it would be great if TC will have also for dirs a internal menu.
Default can be action which it's shown on RMB in files panel into a blank space (without files/folders) or over the path: Total Commander - NEW...

BTW, this command don't have TC ID command (cm_...). Not yet.
Or, very possible, I don't know :roll:

Posted: 2009-06-25, 08:00 UTC
by m^2
With customizable directory icons (which was requested in another place already, but fits here too :P ).

Posted: 2009-06-25, 09:01 UTC
by Lefteous
Custom menu items for folders work just fine here. I set up IrfanView to display a slideshow for folder under the cursor.

As m^2 pointed out folder icons cannot be customized this way. I support changing this.

Posted: 2009-06-25, 10:23 UTC
by MVV
I don't see any problem in adding internal commands for folders. Just create search for (attribute: folder) and assign any internal commands for it. But default (open) command will always be entering to this folder.

Posted: 2009-06-25, 20:24 UTC
by eugensyl
MVV wrote:I don't see any problem in adding internal commands for folders. Just create search for (attribute: folder) and assign any internal commands for it. But default (open) command will always be entering to this folder.
I was blind. Yes, it's a good ideea.
Please tell me TC number of "New" internal command.
Hint: RMB on path ---> "New" ---> New folder (directory)

As you said, by this method default folder is current folder but I suggest internal command to be apply for folder under cursor.
I have tried with 'cmd'.