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Configuration ->option->Advanced Mode

Posted: 2009-07-01, 01:25 UTC
by rmmaniac
Hi Excuse my bad english
Configuration ->option set only a part of wincmd.ini
Is it possible to add "Advanced Mode".allow user to set a complete function of wincmd.ini
thanx in advance

Posted: 2009-07-01, 03:55 UTC
by ado
well..., you have Configuration->Change Settings files directly - where you can modify full wincmd.ini


Posted: 2009-07-01, 06:04 UTC
by Samuel
I support this. Was suggested somewhere else too.

Something like "command browser" for options would be really great. It would have the benefit that the command and its help text could be used for search. Currently you have to find the command in TC-help and then create an entry in the ini.

There exists an external program for this: Ultra TC Editors
But I would like an internal solution.