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Remove standalone space from command line after removing foc

Posted: 2009-07-22, 04:40 UTC
by ado
This is the scenario:
I need to copy file with path, so usually I am doing "Ctrl-Shift-Enter" on file. It will copy it with full path to cmd line including extra space at then end. This space is very useful when I need to put to cmd line multiple files.
The problem is that I am usually taking this file name to clipboard without that space (select via keyboard and Shift-Del).
After this in command line is just space. When I am navigating in file list up and down everything is ok. Once I want to change dir, I press Enter and instead of entering dir, TC interprets space as "my wish to see current directory in Explorer window".
If I pres ESC before that, cmd line would be emptied - unfortunatelly I usually forget :-|.
So I'd say it would be useful, if TC will remove that space automatically if:
1. Cmd line contains only one space
2. and it just loosing focus
What do you think?


Posted: 2009-07-22, 04:45 UTC
by Samuel
Why you dont use:

Posted: 2009-07-23, 05:53 UTC
by ado
probably because I am lazy to define those shortcuts ;-)... now seriously - thank you for advice. I'll define those shortcuts and I'll try to convince myself to change my habit... in fact those shortcuts will be even faster than my old method


Posted: 2009-07-23, 06:05 UTC
by Samuel
I created a ButtonBar eXtended button for that long times ago.

It calls "cm_CopyFullNamesToClip" on normal call and "cm_CopyNamesToClip" when I hold down "Ctrl" when clicking on it.
Works great since years.

Posted: 2009-07-23, 06:10 UTC
by ado
nice, unfortunatelly I'd like to avoid that "when clicking on it" :roll:

Posted: 2009-07-23, 06:17 UTC
by Samuel
What do you mean?
You want a keyboard only version?

Posted: 2009-07-24, 04:03 UTC
by ado
yep - I am keyboard guy. But as I said - I (already)defined those commands as shortcuts